If Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple, why can’t worshipers throw out the CDC?

by Jon Rappoport

March 19, 2020

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Part One

Are they really going to shut down all the churches in the world? “Too many people in one place, no more Sunday services.” I don’t think so. Don’t write me and tell me about the churches that have already shut down. I’m talking about the millions of others that are still open.

What are these churches? They’re places where people can wake up their spirit. And what does that spirit say? Huddle in the dark? Wait for the virus to pass over? Give in?

That’s not what I hear. I hear that in some countries, they’re places where the State does not tread. Where the worshipers can even speak their minds. I’ve never been shown Scripture where God says churches have to protect their government granted 501C3 non-profit status and therefore have to cower in fear.

CHURCH is where people can mount a PUSHBACK against the lockdowns and economic destruction. Against the attack.

CHURCH is where people can stand up and say they’re OK and healthy and they’re not falling for the illusion. This is where people can tear away the false curtain.

If one person stands up in church and says the epidemic is hyped up and is a cover story that allows the government to wreck the country, another person might stand up and say the same thing. Isn’t this a tradition called TESTIFYING? Aren’t courage and righteousness supposed to have a place in churches? What happens if 50 people stand up? A hundred? What if this happens in many churches? What if the energy is a fireball? Even out in the countryside, away from the cities, I understand people have things called cell phones. What prevents them from recording all this testifying and sending it all over the world? WE’RE HEALTHY. WE’RE OK. WE’RE NOT GOING TO DIE. WE DON’T WORSHIP THE VIRUS. WE’RE NOT HERE TO FALL ON OUR KNEES AND WORSHIP THE VIRUS. THE VIRUS ISN’T GOD.

If Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple, why can’t worshipers throw out the CDC?

(Modern translation): “People of Jerusalem, run through your streets! Look around! See for yourselves! Search the marketplaces! Can you find one person who does what is right and tries to be faithful to God? If you can, the LORD will forgive Jerusalem.”

So…is there ONE honest politician anywhere who will go into a church on a Sunday and stand up and say I DO NOT WORSHIP THE VIRUS…WE’RE ALL RIGHT, WE’RE NOT SICK, WE’RE NOT GOING TO GET SICK, THIS IS A LIE AND AN ATTACK AGAINST US…

Don’t hold your breath waiting. Don’t wait at all. People who go to church can take the bull by the horns themselves. TESTIFY.

Real churches, as opposed to fake ones, were never meant to be polite places.

From what I’m told, early on in every religion, the original believers struggled against overwhelming odds. Their FAITH sustained them. Yes?

Also, if I understand correctly, God isn’t telling people to wait for Him to take action. Is WAITING a religion?

Is there a Bible I don’t know about that lists all the permitted excuses for WAITING?


Part Two

Does God want a global lockdown for eighteen months?

Churches are the last bastion of separation from State in the society

When there’s a war, there’s dissent. In this war, where are the dissenters?

Could two-gun Trump, accompanied by a live-streaming video crew, do a blazing firebrand tour of 100 churches across the US, and tell worshipers the “epidemic” is being crazily hyped, in order to wage war against the people, through economic attacks? “THIS IS THE MOST FAKE NEWS OF ALL FAKE NEWS! THE CDC IS FILLED WITH LIARS!” You bet your ass he could. Will he? No.


The latest: Time magazine, 3/17: “The U.K. government ramped up its response to COVID-19 Monday, asking citizens to cut all unnecessary contact with other people, after a British research team warned its earlier strategy would lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths. But those researchers also gave a troubling warning for countries around the world implementing lockdown measures: in order to be effective, they would need to last 12 to 18 months.”

Twelve to 18 months would blow any national economy apart.

A public official who declares, or assists in the declaring of, a lockdown should have to haul himself downtown and live among the people he just torpedoed. The people who lost their jobs and businesses. Put these political criminals on minimum welfare and see how they like it. THAT’S called a deterrent. “What, Mr. Mayor? You want a job? In this neighborhood, which is changing radically by the hour, it looks like we have three immediate openings. Slim, none, and zero. What’s your preference?”

For the last 60 years or so, I’ve been hearing about churches where they rattle the timbers and shake the windows every Sunday. —Energy in spirit let loose. Churches are the last bastion of separation from State in the society. That’s where people are supposed to go, to find their Ultimate. What are they supposed to do in an economic war that’s being leveled against them? Stay silent? Is that what God is looking for? Eighteen months of silence?

I googled “God wants 18 months of lockdown,” and the first thing that came up was:

“As Italy remains on lockdown until at least April 3, priests across this overwhelmingly Catholic country are being forced to look for alternative ways to minister to their flocks. Even the public mass, the most solemn rite in the church’s liturgy, has been banned along with other public gatherings. Instead, many priests are turning to the virtual world to bring people closer to God.”

“A proliferation of prayer chains are being organized on WhatsApp or websites—such as the new Corona(Anti)Virus for 24-hour rosary recitation—and in addition many priests are now streaming masses on YouTube channels or Facebook. One priest of a small town in Brianza, one of the areas most affected by the new coronavirus, even asked his worshippers to email him selfies or other pictures of themselves, so that he could print them out, stick them on the pews and not feel alone in his church while conducting a mass. He got hundreds of images and ran out of toner for his printer.”

After reading that, I provisionally decided the Vatican has no clue about what God wants.

I could have looked for Biblical references to selfies, but held myself back.

That’s not the kind of church I’m talking about. That’s a complicit corporation.

I’m talking about churches where people stand up and TESTIFY, because in a staggering economic crisis like the one we’re now facing, THE SPIRIT MOVES THEM, AND SO THEY MOVE. And if their church is too polite a place, THEY SANCTIFY IT BY THEIR ACTION.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Covid.

118 comments on “If Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple, why can’t worshipers throw out the CDC?

  1. DarL says:

    What a breath of fresh air….thanks Jon!

  2. DSKlaulser says:


    I fear, that their fear is too much to bear… too much to overcome. Modern, organized religion, is just a control mechanism – and will be used (and abused) masterfully.

    • marlene says:

      God does not want us to be afraid. In fact, He commands us not to fear:

      2 Timothy 1:7 says, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 

      Acts 20:24 Paul says ” “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” 

      Romans 8:15 says, “For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, ‘Abba! Father!'” 

      1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” 

      Psalms 34:4 says, “I sought the Lord, and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears.” 

      John 14:27, Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” 

      Psalms 57:1 says, “In the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by.” 

      Isaiah 26:3 says, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee.” 

      • Lydia says:

        I can testify to all these things and more.

        • Bayareamom says:

          The call for quarantine is not necessarily borne out of fear, Jon. I trust in Jesus’ teachings as well and am not living in fear, although I am living in quarantine (CA). YOU may feel this is a hoax, and obviously othere here do as well, but there is ample information out there that says otherwise.

          Dr. Fink, of Tarzana, CA has openly TESTIFIED that he has never seen anything like this before; he is treating several COVID-19 patients at this time in a hospital in Tarzana, Calfornia. He TESTIFIED in a statement on Facebook (and in an interview with the Daily Mail) that he has practiced medicine for decades and has never, ever seen anything like this before. Obviously, one can deduce that he has worked with patients, prior to this, who have had the flu. So for him to thus state that he has never seen anything like THIS, is quite telling. NO ONE individual truly knows for certain just what is going on here. However, the TESTIMONIES of the many physicians and nurses who ARE working in the trenches have all stated that this virus is something quite like nothing they have witnessed before. I tend to give these healthcare providers much more credence and weight when assessing for myself what is truly going on out there.

          HAVE you tried to reach out to any of these physicians who have provided testimonials, Jon? I, for one, would like to know. I’m assuming you have not, because I would imagine you would write about those conversations if you have.

          And speaking of Jesus – perhaps, just perhaps, Jon, there is a higher purpose with this entire scenario. Bringing humanity to its knees, in this sense on a global basis, seems to have a sort of spiritual message attached to it. There is always a higher purpose to anything and everything that happens in this world; everything is connected; nothing happens by chance.

          • Piksil says:

            I think you missed Jon’s point.
            I work in healthcare (and have for over 40 years-sigh!), and, like your Dr. Fink, have “never seen anything like this before”. I don’t think anyone in this country has either, at least since 9-11. (And I’m one of the lucky few that survived the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic ????.)
            I also live in IL, so will be in ‘quarantine’ as of 5PM local time today, 3/21/20. Only essential travel, law enforcement will enforce (“but it’s NOT martial law”–whatever that is supposed to mean).
            What is “essential travel? Going to an over-crowded grocery store? Going to a pharmacy? Going to a liquor store? (Yes, liquor stores have been deemed “essential” !?!?)

            IMHO churches are as “essential” to more people than liquor stores, at least for now. Wasn’t this country essentially founded on religious freedom?

            Finally, yes, I do believe there is “a higher purpose to this scenario”. Perhaps, just perhaps, not what you are inferring.

          • Sonia H. says:

            “Bringing humanity to its knees” ???

            Maybe we need to be brought to our knees for the right reason. This is not it.

      • Billy says:

        “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7

        “The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.” Proverbs 8:13

        “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28

        “And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.” Job 28:28

        “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13

        “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!” Psalm 111:10

        “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!” Psalm 33:8

        “The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death.” Proverbs 14:27

        “Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” Psalm 2:11

      • murray says:

        Thank you very much for that

    • za ka lu says:

      -yes DSKlaulser, preachers/ministers (meant to ‘administer’ or act as administrator?) are licensed aren’t they? They fill out marriage licenses, are ‘present’ at ‘death bed’ and at times involved in ‘death certificate’, they knowingly or unknowingly carry the water for ‘them’, they Work for the STATE!


      Glad jon touched on this part of the puzzle…’jesus’ the ‘christed’ would Not, Cannot, be the debtor to the world (died for sins jargon), as ‘he’ was announced to be a/the direct representative of a true guarantor!
      The impostor is the true and correct debtor to the world, ‘appearing as’ a presumption of fact ie; gov, religion, science, legal/courts, finance/banking, university, information exchange/media, ‘history’ etc etc etc.

      The Usurper.

      The ‘jesus/christed’ story as ‘debtor’ is analogous imo to what IT has done via deceit to man, existence, and all order of creation here in this realm we are told to call earth (maybe elsewhere as well)–


      All starts with Their NAME on the security bond certificate of live birth (derived from and issued without permission of original namesake). This is the claim to have pledged us (our estate) as surety (DEBTOR) to their artificial/dead legal PERSON. Deceitfully rearranging order of ‘creation’, making true beneficiary man the debtor, and the true debtor creditor.



      past tense: usurped; past participle: usurped

      **take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.
      “Richard usurped the throne”

      seize, take over, expropriate, take possession of, take, appropriate, steal, wrest, arrogate, commandeer, annex, assume, lay claim to—

      **take the place of (someone in a position of power) illegally; supplant.
      “the Hanoverian dynasty had usurped the Stuarts”

      oust, overthrow, remove, topple, unseat, depose, dethrone, eject, dispel, succeed, come after, step into the shoes of, supplant, replace, fill someone’s boots, crowd out, defenestrate, deprive—

      encroach or infringe upon (someone’s rights).

      We are led astray to argue about how the system should work, or what needs fixed, or who needs blamed or elected, take them to court (all the while ‘they’ Are the court system!), arrests/justice, whether the ‘virus’ is bio-weapon or espionage or CDC is this, WHO is that or…when the only way to ‘fix’ this mess is Not to Play.

      To know who we Are in ‘creation’. To Know our ‘real name’ and not take the presumptive ‘BAIT’. This is to be sovereign as a fact, taking individual responsibility honoring existence in/as creation.

      ‘IT’ has ‘usurped’ every facet of existence, and as I now Know, I have never truthfully, correctly or willingly pledged my spirit, mind or body (estate) to be the debtor to the beast, or ever would I! Thus honoring the correct order of creation.
      (imagine how any true and correct negotiation for this ‘arrangement’ would go, no one would ever agree, or ever could there ever be a valid agreement as ‘they’ are with malicious intent)
      I wonder how many, if any, will read and consider this comment?


      • Honk says:

        Za Ka Lu, I wish I understood (oops, who wants to stand under someone else?) what you posted in its entirety. Unfortunately most of us have never heard of the trivium nor the quadrivium let alone been schooled in them—let’s hear it for the autodidacts out there. That plus it takes some pretty intense study to get to your level of comprehension. You using Black’s Law dictionary for your references? If so, which edition?

        • za ka lu says:

          Yes, let’s hear it for autodidacts! (new word for me thanks) and those who seek authentic and complete remedy, no matter what that may really be. Seeking without wanting to meet and massage a confirmation bias.

          Quick shout to jon for making this forum available, thank you.

          With so much to say and yet so little Honk, I just started writing and this is what came out–z

          Quadrivium, mystery schools, I say are also misinfo, speckles of truth bathed in falsehoods—yes even Pythagoras (if he even existed) was deceived, just at a different level than us ‘proles’. Law school or Medical school, for example, to me are modern day ‘mystery schools’, teaching those in attendance to carry the water of deceit for purpose of domination.

          Quite possibly, and most likely in my estimation, man has been lied to throughout all of ‘recorded history’. Why would archaeological evidence of ‘prehistory’ showing traces of man going back billions of years be suppressed? Why cover up archaeological and anthropological finds? What is so damaging that it must be hidden at all costs? Why forbidden archaeology?.

          As far as Black’s law dictionary, I have gone down that road, only to realize now I am not party to any of that law or its foreign language diction, although there can be some revelation contained therein. ‘Legalese’ needs to be translated from Latin to get correct gist. More deception, it is looking to deceit for truth, paradox in so many ways.
          To argue their ‘rule of law’, however slightly, is to admit to its validity, giving the false pretension credibility. To do that is to swallow the bait and get snagged on their hook.

          I simply really want absolute remedy in spirit, mind and body, so I have searched, for several years now, finding more than can obviously be covered in this reply.

          However it has boiled down to nearly a zero-point of basic contracting, knowing what I have agreed to and what I have not, based on what I really know I am, compared to what I have been told (ordered) I am to be and do.

          I realized on my quest for fact of why everything is so f-ed up, that I have never received any valid fair offer of which could have been negotiated in regards to any part or whole of this SYSTEM, therefore there is no agreement, never was. There is simply no informed consent! This is absolute fact, so I do not meet performances to that of which is hidden and unknown, including (maybe most importantly) answering to another’s NAME.

          This takes courage to not answer to ‘their’ NAME. To not be licensed, or pay tribute, to be sole beneficiary of one’s own skills and talents, but is of utmost importance.
          Sounds scary, but I Have first hand experience of desist by system when I stand in this absolute truth of not answering to their NAME. I am sole beneficiary in full control of my Estate, I am original namesake, and I have served Notice.

          One thing that can be done within the system to take control of the FIRST MIDDLE LAST NAME is to file an assumed business name certificate with sec of state, placing FML as assumed biz name and nameholder as Surname, Given Name, or even simply christian name as nameholder (christian name ((what I call true name)) is really ‘my’ name, with family or clan or tribal name being shared by the clan or tribe). The FML NAME combines it all with Surname ‘appearing’ last (also often written in debased latin called glossa, a symbolic text not descriptive text).
          I have found too that Surname, Given Name is also a construct of ‘theirs’ (with latin translation of surname, and the given name supplanting christian name), but is effective for this filing purpose in distinguishing that the FML is indeed a separate other NAME that now represents a business, not the man.
          I found info to file with Minnesota Sec of State as there is no notary requirement etc. To ‘notarize’ is to in many ways still play the role of ‘their’ NAME because a STATE issued FML ‘license identification’ is demanded. I have been told is also beneficial due to the Credit River Decision that proved all banking is without real consideration, took place in Minnesota.
          I have found and verified through first hand experience that it really is all about the man as name and the PERSON as NAME, with man having been deceived into answering to (being surety for) the PERSON.

          I can share the instructions for this if anyone wants.

          However I realized one day like a bolt of lightning that there is no agreement to any of the system whatsoever, so to be ‘truthful’ or ‘with clean hands’ I cannot honor what is dishonorable. To do so is to dishonor what is truly honorable. This is methods of the liar system, they implant their ‘rule of law’ in between creator and created, charging artificial ‘value’ in lieu of actually valuable, enforced by coercive intimidation, first becomes last, tangible subverted into artificial for exploitation.

          So I served notice as my Private Estate and its Agency to STATE OF, and DISTRICT etc, as this Is what I ‘know’ to be fact.

          The cert of live birth is where the FML NAME first ‘appears’. The copies I have acquired are on Bank Note Paper just like a bond or other financial instrument document. There is also info showing these certs are traded like mutual bonds and can be looked up like any other stock or bond.
          Based on this evidence, our existence as man has been monetized and traded without notice, request or informed consent. Sheer exploitation.
          For certain, I never gave permission to whoever it is that issued the CoLB to use my true name (which is my sacred sole private estate property), or family/tribal name to create that document or the FML PERSON appearing on it, the NAME of which was affected back onto me to detrimental effect.

          I never agreed to it is the bottom line.

          The creditor/beneficiary, debtor/trustee, guarantor/administrator is basic trust associations stuff.
          I am a part of creation in direct connection with guarantor of creation. I am beneficiary to this existence, it can be no other way.
          So I realize to be in truth and honor what is ‘me’, I must not recognize or honor those of hidden malicious intent or I dishonor (turn my back on) what is of real benevolence.

          And with the heinously fallacious covid lockdown re-ordering of this world, it really is crunch-time.
          So what will I choose to ‘be’? Who is my allegiance with? Will I take a stand against the USURPER, or cave in to intimidation?

          I have chosen.

        • za ka lu says:

          Yes, let’s hear it for autodidacts! (new word for me thanks) and those who seek authentic and complete remedy, no matter what that may really be. Seeking without wanting to meet and massage a confirmation bias.

          Quick shout to jon for making this forum available, thank you.

          With so much to say and yet so little Honk, I just started writing and this is what came out–z

          Quadrivium, mystery schools, I say are also misinfo, speckles of truth bathed in falsehoods—yes even Pythagoras (if he even existed) was deceived, just at a different level than us ‘proles’. Law school or Medical school, for example, to me are modern day ‘mystery schools’, teaching those in attendance to carry the water of deceit for purpose of domination.

          Quite possibly, and most likely in my estimation, man has been lied to throughout all of ‘recorded history’. Why would archaeological evidence of ‘prehistory’ showing traces of man going back billions of years be suppressed? Why cover up archaeological and anthropological finds? What is so damaging that it must be hidden at all costs? Why forbidden archaeology?.

          As far as Black’s law dictionary, I have gone down that road, only to realize now I am not party to any of that law or its foreign language diction, although there can be some revelation contained therein. ‘Legalese’ needs to be translated from Latin to get correct gist. More deception, it is looking to deceit for truth, paradox in so many ways.
          To argue their ‘rule of law’, however slightly, is to admit to its validity, giving the false pretension credibility. To do that is to swallow the bait and get snagged on their hook.

          I simply really want absolute remedy in spirit, mind and body, so I have searched, for several years now, finding more than can obviously be covered in this reply.

          However it has boiled down to nearly a zero-point of basic contracting, knowing what I have agreed to and what I have not, based on what I really know I am, compared to what I have been told (ordered) I am to be and do.

          I realized on my quest for fact of why everything is so f-ed up, that I have never received any valid fair offer of which could have been negotiated in regards to any part or whole of this SYSTEM, therefore there is no agreement, never was. There is simply no informed consent! This is absolute fact, so I do not meet performances to that of which is hidden and unknown, including (maybe most importantly) answering to another’s NAME.

          This takes courage to not answer to ‘their’ NAME. To not be licensed, or pay tribute, to be sole beneficiary of one’s own skills and talents, but is of utmost importance.
          Sounds scary, but I Have first hand experience of desist by system when I stand in this absolute truth of not answering to their NAME. I am sole beneficiary in full control of my Estate, I am original namesake, and I have served Notice.

          One thing that can be done within the system to take control of the FIRST MIDDLE LAST NAME is to file an assumed business name certificate with sec of state, placing FML as assumed biz name and nameholder as Surname, Given Name, or even simply christian name as nameholder (christian name ((what I call true name)) is really ‘my’ name, with family or clan or tribal name being shared by the clan or tribe). The FML NAME combines it all with Surname ‘appearing’ last (also often written in debased latin called glossa, a symbolic text not descriptive text).
          I have found too that Surname, Given Name is also a construct of ‘theirs’ (with latin translation of surname, and the given name supplanting christian name), but is effective for this filing purpose in distinguishing that the FML is indeed a separate other NAME that now represents a business, not the man.
          I found info to file with Minnesota Sec of State as there is no notary requirement etc. To ‘notarize’ is to in many ways still play the role of ‘their’ NAME because a STATE issued FML ‘license identification’ is demanded. I have been told is also beneficial due to the Credit River Decision that proved all banking is without real consideration, took place in Minnesota.
          I have found and verified through first hand experience that it really is all about the man as name and the PERSON as NAME, with man having been deceived into answering to (being surety for) the PERSON.

          I can share the instructions for this if anyone wants.

          However I realized one day like a bolt of lightning that there is no agreement to any of the system whatsoever, so to be ‘truthful’ or ‘with clean hands’ I cannot honor what is dishonorable. To do so is to dishonor what is truly honorable. This is methods of the liar system, they implant their ‘rule of law’ in between creator and created, charging artificial ‘value’ in lieu of actually valuable, enforced by coercive intimidation, first becomes last, tangible subverted into artificial for exploitation.

          So I served notice as my Private Estate and its Agency to STATE OF, and DISTRICT etc, as this Is what I ‘know’ to be fact.

          The cert of live birth is where the FML NAME first ‘appears’. The copies I have acquired are on Bank Note Paper just like a bond or other financial instrument document. There is also info showing these certs are traded like mutual bonds and can be looked up like any other stock or bond.
          Based on this evidence, our existence as man has been monetized and traded without notice, request or informed consent. Sheer exploitation.
          For certain, I never gave permission to whoever it is that issued the CoLB to use my true name (which is my sacred sole private estate property), or family/tribal name to create that document or the FML PERSON appearing on it, the NAME of which was affected back onto me to detrimental effect.

          I never agreed to it is the bottom line.

          The creditor/beneficiary, debtor/trustee, guarantor/administrator is basic trust associations stuff.
          I am a part of creation in direct connection with guarantor of creation. I am beneficiary to this existence, it can be no other way.
          So I realize to be in truth and honor what is ‘me’, I must not recognize or honor those of hidden malicious intent or I dishonor (turn my back on) what is of real benevolence.

          And with the heinously fallacious covid lockdown re-ordering of this world, it really is crunch-time.
          So what will I choose to ‘be’? Who is my allegiance with? Will I take a stand against the USURPER, or cave in to intimidation?

          I have chosen.

  3. Amanda says:

    Thanks, Jon!

    On CDC, I heard that it’s actually part of the military.



    “Most of Those Infected Won’t Even Know It” – Israeli Virologist Tells World Leaders to Calm Unnecessary Panic over ‘Exaggerated’ Coronavirus

    • Eluard says:

      That’s a wonderful–calming–article. A Dr. who refuses to “go along” and instead speaks the truth. Let’s send this to everyone we know: Shake them and wake them and reassure them!

      Here’s the original: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-virologist-urges-world-leaders-to-calm-public-slams-unnecessary-panic/

      • Barry says:

        Promising at first, but then it’s the same old “viruses are out to get you!” BS:

        “He said the virus did not appear to be “too intelligent” — unlike flu, “which is very intelligent…”

        • za ka lu says:

          excellent observation Barry.

        • jjtech says:

          Of course it’s the b.s. People will try to sound rational and then install the same bullshit in our brains. once you accept the “fact” the virus exists, you’re cooked in the squat. You’re done.

        • Rtp says:

          I have written a manifesto on debating pro-vax people. One of the key ingredients is that, whilst we can change our tone depending on the audience, we should *never* seek to moderate our position under any circumstance.

          If someone says “this virus is no worse than flu” we should say something like “well you are right that this virus is being exaggerated but I think you will find that flu statistics are exaggerated as well”.

          • Prosperity says:

            Have you published this manifesto somewhere? I’d be interested in reading it.

          • Piksil says:

            I would be interested in reading your manifesto as well.
            My debate is: If the vaccines are effective, why would those vaccinated fear the un-vaccinated? Shouldn’t the vaccinated be protected, by the vaccine?

    • Maverick says:

      But that will be taken out of context by fearmongers and it will also be used by the powers that be ‘a lot of people will be superspreaders and not know it because they will be healthy and this will cause other outbreaks’

      Then just like magic whenever they so please and for how long they want ‘OH NO THERE IS ANOTHER OUTBREAK’ so at any given time they want they can declare another disruptive outbreak so they can get people locked down.

      • Rick Potvin says:

        I’ve already encountered the “we healthy people could be carriers argument” from co-workers whose brains I always try to pick — in a friendly way without arguing– to see what those around me are thinking. It was absolutely shocking– stunning.

        B.G. is a co-worker who has an easy going friendly manner. He had a few minutes between sessions and I engaged him a “hello B.G., howz it goin?, what do you think”. He cited this “we’re all carriers” idea to me which I had not heard before that point.

        “Do you mean that even though a person is perfectly healthy, that they can transmit a killer virus to someone within six feet of them?”, I asked.
        “Sure”, B.G. answered with a shrug.
        “But a healthy person’s immune system must be suppressing the virus, so he’s not sick, so he can’t transmit it, right?”
        “It’s like herpes”, B.G. continued.
        “But you need intimate contact for that”.
        “Right corona is spread through the air”.
        “But in China, it’s already decreasing, right?”.
        “That’s because they had lockdowns”.
        “But you just said people can be carriers so after they go back to work as carriers, they can re-infect others”
        B.G. let out a smirk– knowing something about the fallacy of his idea– continuing with “Yeah, it’ll start all over again”
        I was about to say something smart alecky like “It’ll go in circles just like our conversation here”, but thought better of it.

        At this point, our session ended due to office business.

        Now I see what his source was…either directly or indirectly. What an INSIDIOUS idea!!–
        “Most of Those Infected Won’t Even Know It” – Israeli Virologist Tells World Leaders to Calm Unnecessary Panic over ‘Exaggerated’ Coronavirus

        As I’m up early this morning at 4 am, Fri., 3/20/20, unable to get back to sleep, despite not being able to sleep until midnite… it occurs to me that this is PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. The minds of millions have been taken over by what I used to call a “MEME” in the 1980’s… an idea that spreads “like-a-gene”…

        Meme | Definition of Meme by Merriam-Webster

        Definition of meme 1 : an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture Memes (discrete units of knowledge, gossip, jokes and so on) are to culture what genes are to life.

        Local radio here in Phoenix has, on-air, talk show hosts and shows that suggest, in light-hearted ways, how to “cope” with the shutdowns by such things as “going to the drive through restaurants to help support hourly workers”. National programs are constantly referring to the Congressional approvals and ‘bipartisanship’ involved in “helping the airline industry” with billions of dollars. NOBODY is talking about STOPPING THE MADNESS and GETTING BACK TO WORK. Nobody is questioning the validity of the shutdown in the face of what otherwise is a flu season that should just runs its course– without SUICIDING the economy!

        From David Crowe as EARLY as Feb. 14, 2020:
        “It’s existence is not proven. Even if the test could detect the virus, there’s no proof the test doesn’t register false positives. As I point out, a 99% accurate test would produce 100,000 false positives in Wuhan (10 million people).”
        Source. http://theinfectiousmyth.com/book/CoronavirusPanic.pdf

        CORONA is a front/cover for the collapse of derivatives again….


        A solution exists—but only if western societies are prepared to replace all the axioms of the neoliberal model with an economic policy, which is not guided by monetarist considerations, i.e., to speculators’ profits, but guided instead by the absolute value of human life, the principles of science, and solidarity with the entire family of mankind.

  4. Leanna Reece says:

    This is the best post I’ve seen on this topic yet.

    Thank you for writing it. Believers need to see through the shadows.

    Truth always wins and the battle has already been won!

  5. Alan says:

    Thanks Jon.

    I am sure that God wants us to be free from this slavery, maintained by the globalist elites through baloney. God wants us to truly understand the human body, as per Bechamp and Hamer, the apex of His creation, thereby understanding His love He invested in its creation. (I just can’t help but believe in intelligent design, knowing what I have learned recently during this event.)

    God wants us to be free, happy, and immersed in His love on a daily basis. Realize His kingdom on earth (as a pre-requsite to realizing it in the other world) – a nation of free and responsible individuals, free from the claws and jaws of the centralized state. And that necessarily requires exposing the evil rulers – and their lies – as a first step.

    • Invisible Man says:

      Alan, Do you remember this song? “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jensen?


      It was ubiquitous in 2012. I has well over a billion views on YouTube. The worldwide radio pop hit of its year.

      Do you know how that happened? Carly Rae was just some little known Canadian pop singer and Call Me Maybe was a modest pop hit in Canada, and unknown to listeners outside Canada, till her fellow Canadian Justin Bieber, then at the height of his fame, who was back in his home country for a few weeks, happened to hear the song on the radio and tweeted it out to his tens of millions of followers.


      Call Me Maybe” was initially written by Jepsen and Tavish Crowe as a folk song, while they were on tour. Jepsen stated that the writing process was easy, and that she wasn’t “over-thinking it. We brought in Josh, and he helped us kind of pop-ify it.”[8] The following days, she recorded the track at the Umbrella Studios in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.[9] Jepsen later stated that it is “basically a pick up. What person hasn’t wanted to approach somebody before and stopped because it’s scary? I know I have.”[10] “Call Me Maybe” had been first released in Canada only through 604 Records on September 20, 2011.[11]

      In December 2011, dating pop singers Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were in Canada and heard the track on the radio. After they tweeted about it on their personal profiles, Jepsen instantly gained international attention, and got signed by Scooter Braun to his Schoolboy Records.[12] Bieber’s tweet said the song “is possibly the catchiest song I’ve ever heard…”[13] Braun revealed that Bieber has “never jumped out and promoted an artist like this before. He sends me different YouTube videos of unsigned artists that he’d like to work with, but never someone who already had a song out and is on the radio.”[13] Worldwide distribution of the single was done through Interscope Records.[14]

      I was about to say, her initially obscure song went viral… except, of course, that’s just a figure of speech…. and as we know, from Bechamp and Hamer, a highly misleading one.

      So let’s see if we can “Bieber-ize” Bechamp and Hamer into public consciousness. All it would take is one or two celebrities talking about the new paradigms for understanding so called “infectious” disease for the tide to start to turn. Nobody could justify an 18 month international quarantine, let alone mandatory vaccines and microchipping, if traditional Germ Theory isn’t even true! And it isn’t true!

      And I think there are key ways to persuade. Contacting a religious believer, a Christian, an Orthodox Jew, a Muslim? Start by emphasizing their faith in God. Draw attention to their own claims to be devout, to believe that God is real. Ask them which makes more sense, the despairing and nihilistic theories of Pasteur or the ordered, magnificent beauty of Hamer’s paradigm?

      Contacting a scientist? Bring up Thomas Kuhn and his famous notion of paradigm shifts in the sciences, the long history of resistance and hostility to new paradigms when first introduced, until the new vision wins out in the end.

      Contacting a feminist academic? Point out how often masculine military language is used, how we must “attack” and “fight” or “kill” or “contain” the virus. And how misleading this is. You can also point out how consonant GNM is with the by now well accepted cell symbiosis theories of Lynn Margulis. Mention how a great female scientist initiated a paradigm shift in evolutionary biology and how easily GNM could be seen as the next logical step from that shift.

      Etc. Etc.

      Figure out what your target audience already wants to believe and then send them a link, such as this one:


      • Invisible Man says:

        I found this comment on some forum with a “skeptics of Coronovirus” thread on it:

        I find it depressing how few people understand the agenda behind this thing. Even people who are otherwise mostly red pilled. Whether the virus is real or fake. The agenda is indisputable.

        Earlier today I thought this is a giant opportunity to topple the Elites once and for all, if people wake up to this agenda, if they overplayed their hands with this corona narrative. Because we’re puzzling the pieces together much faster than we did after 9/11 2001.

        But sadly. Looking at the way people are responding… I think the Elites know exactly what they’re doing and what they can get away with. Very few are wise to the plans that are currently unfolding… even among the dissident movements.

        I think he’s right, this is an opportunity to topple the elites, or at least take away their authority over peoples minds. Organizations like WHO and the MSM will lose their authority for good. No one will take them seriously anymore, because they have indeed “overplayed their hand.” That’s why we need a paradigm shift, to quell the hysteria and get people asking questions about all the details that don’t add up.

    • Bj says:

      This is how I believed the church would show up twenty years ago as you write but also; wise as serpents,not sheep following an artificial wolf in shepherds clothing. Our beliefs are being rewritten. Love the woman divorced out of abuse, the young person returning, support the hurting instead of denying – “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

  6. Roark says:

    And has Trump not felt the presence of the Holy Spirit at many churches, dare I say it, Black Churches?!
    He could and should lead those who testify. But he likely won’t. So we must do so without him for now. Thank you Jon!
    Praise Jesus!

    • Deanna Johnston Clark says:

      Savannah is 60% black, mostly poor…and mostly very easy going. I love the way they talk about Jesus. The attitude outside the hospitals, which are insane, is to shrug this off with plenty of orange juice and ice tea.

    • From Quebec says:

      President Donald Trump declared Sunday a National Day of Prayer. In doing so, he captured in miniature everything wrong with his administration’s approach to the mounting crisis.

  7. Friend says:

    You nailed it big time!

  8. Woods says:

    So apparently in Italy, long convoys of army trucks are transporting “corona-victims” to the crematorium.

    I wonder… why are they being cremated?

    Isn’t the virus supposed to “die” after 72 hours without a host?

    It’s rather convenient, the cremation: burn after reading.

  9. Plamen says:

    … or maybe God is angry?!

    • Lori says:

      I believe that the tribulation is coming, soon. Imo, He may be trying to warn us/is allowing these things in order to warn us, as it will be much, much worse during that 7 year period.

  10. paschn says:

    I agree with your premise that the church is the last bastion for peaceful separation of church/state – BUT;

    In the early ’90’s the central bank gang sent out orders to their sycophants in D.C. to slip it to us in the form of the 7 Noahide Laws within the “oral traditions of men”, a.k.a. The (Babylonian) Talmud;


    These, “central bank boys” used the same treachery on this as they did the federal reserve act in ’13;

    holiday weekend
    “select” cadre of traitors
    thus giving them a “unanimous” passing of the bill into law.

    As for “Christians”, (“Christian Zionists specifically)? They were conquered long ago by the Rothschild shill, Scofield. Hell, those befuddled idiots now believe it was the ROMANS who framed/tortured/murdered The Christ as have the Mormons since they were bought out of bankruptcy in the early ’60’s by the very same gang that bankrolled Scofield.
    Virtually ALL “Christians” in this rotted out husk now worship at the altar of political correctness.

    The days of torches/pitchforks are long gone – they can’t carry them now, as they have their hands full with ipads/laptops/tablets..

    Revelation 12:9
    So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.

    Revelation 12:12
    On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.

    Things will be getting MUCH worse before they get better…

    Thank you.

  11. Deanna Johnston Clark says:

    There’s much more to this than meets the eye…arrests, reset, possible retaliations against crowds, criminal elites.
    Don’t sell the president short. He has the top Naval intelligence, which is the top, period, doing amazing things that may not fully be known for a while.
    But I agree. I worry about the hypochondriacs that will sneeze at the pollen and run to the ER.

  12. Greg C. says:

    Alas, churches these days have evolved into something different. Centers for mass hypnosis – music that moans and groans, lots of talk about having a broken spirit, being obedient, being part of “the body.” That has been my experience.

    The deep state found Trump’s Achilles heel – he’s a germophobe.

    That being said, I have hope that in another few weeks, people will get damn sick and tired of self-isolation, inactivity, fear, waiting for the other shoe to drop. The emails from company presidents, the pop-up messages on YouTube, will begin to seem comedic. The Spirit cannot be quenched forever. No Easter services? Let’s see church leaders try to explain that without sounding like hypocrites.

  13. jack says:


    If these guys get there way, there will be a big revolt. the question is will the police-military shoot their own people?

    if the supply chain for food is shut down by these virus worshipers, then you will starve.

    What will it take for citizens to grow balls and physically deal with these criminal politicians and their cronies?

    Humans respond to consequences, and these psychos have had a free ride. The Clintons and Bidens, for example, do whatever they want and nothing happens–right in front of you on TV. Epstein is suicided. Anybody complains and they’re shut down.

    Overnight we are NOW under Fascist rule. Everybody “hopes” this ends but the Time article I posted is saying this will NOT end…

    So what’s it gonna take?

    We are SELF-isolating and SELF-destroying ourselves due to what? Fear of being FIRED from your job.


    Kerry Boytzun
    Tue, Mar 17, 2:16 PM (2 days ago)
    to bcc: Terri, bcc: John, bcc: Johnny, bcc: MTSAR, bcc: Jose, bcc: Thad, bcc: Jon, bcc: me

    This is a detailed analysis of the virus hoax. yes it’s a hoax and below nails it plus reveals some VERY shady things going on by…wait for it…

    And here’s our good buddy Bill Gates who loves to vaccinate Africans and push Americans out of jobs using the infamous H1BVisa:

    Event 201
    The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

    • Aron says:

      It is fear they are using against us. I see people in my own family and friends waking up though. We have backing. Come at me satan or whatever you are. Your illusionary games are over.

    • Honest liberty says:

      Yes, the order followers will shoot citizens. They are immoral dominators. The arm of the state.
      The tool of the real oppressors.

      And Americans just love their captors

  14. TJ says:

    By closing, churches are just encouraging fear. That’s contrary to the Bible. Faith, not fear.

  15. Eliza says:

    The latest from Pastor Chuck Baldwin! A non 501c3 church. No tickle the ears sermons from him! For the most part, America’s churches are silent!!


    • Rick says:

      Wow, I haven’t gone to church or watched ministries on tv for a long time– but this guy is good. I couldn’t watch more than 1/3 of it before he started “getting to me”. Good link!

      As far as Jon’s idea of the churches as sanctuaries, there is a history of that– isn’t there?– and I just might take a drive over to my own local church this Sunday to see who else shows up. I’ll be sure to refer them here.

    • Jill says:


  16. Jim says:

    Jon…This is absolutely FANTASTIC. There is just so much S— out there that it is just tooooo hard to stomach.

    THANK GOD you write so well and are so surgically precisional on the analytical breadown of all the stuff that is going down. Why in the F’n hell there are not souls like you who GET IT and make the difference in this world where these S—holes are publicly exposed and sent to the middle of the Atlantic and asked to row their boat to solid land. I am so sick of these MindF—s having free rein to corral the comfortably numb classes to fixate on the NWO lowlifes who are killing us on the sly every F’n moment because they have nothing to do but to do Satan’s bidding, etc. May God interfere in our affairs and blow away all of these useless idiots en masse. God, I have had enough…this is just TOOOO STUPIDDD to be STupid. Oh, the hits just keep comin…eh?

  17. saoirse says:

    A commentary tour-de-force. Thank you Jon!!!

    While I stay as far away from religion as possible – especially the Abrahamic ones – I’m happy to see someone seriously urging ‘the faithful’ to practice what’s actually preached to them in their various holy books.

    The same admonition should be made toward all the self-styled ‘patriots’ who constantly invoke the Founding Fathers and wave the flag declaring freedom and liberty!!

    It’s time for everyone to either stand up and be heard or be proven a cowering hypocrite!!

    • oiu@yahoo.com says:

      I’ve heard God say that, like you, He has no place for religion. It gets in the way of the friendship He wants with each of us.

  18. About Creativity says:

    Very good, As the world turns.

  19. Plamen says:

    The English language is used in more than 50% of the communication on the Internet. Over 1.2 bln speak English both as first and second language and the numbers are growing. All major news agency like Reuters, Associated Press communicate in English. So the news is in English mostly. Linguistically the English is well established international language and has no rivals.

    Apart from the English, all people today worship Mammon and material wealth. We build towers in his name and the culture revolves around money and fame. Trump being the most famous tower builder.

    The morals are at all time low with pornography and sexual perversion becoming the norm.

    I can go on and on …

    Does this sound Babylon to you?

    Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad!

  20. Eyezilla says:

    the plan of the timeline of mentioning drugs and vaccines has started

    • Rick says:

      In Phoenix, AZ, we’re hearing more about how “testing kits” are going to be free. I wonder what that test is exactly? Jon points out that the tests are bogus, so regardless how “free” they are, they’re still bogus.

  21. Pisces says:

    A reminder to everyone who’s reading the comments; he’s basically giving us a hint to not to be “paralyzed” by fear and take ACTION to fight back. He’s right. It’s up to us to push back their actions against us that will give them more power over us, because they’ll succeed if we just wait for other people to do the right thing! Start with informing people by sharing links or talk to them about that this event does not happen by accident and the real purpose of this is to implement the new world order.. I know it’s not going to be easy to do that, but don’t just be silent about it and use the reliable sources to do that. Their plan is to destroy the “old world order” just to give us the “solution” to all this by implementing the NWO that will enslave us even more. It’s by design. Soon it will be too late for us to do anything about it if we don’t spread the truth and take action.

  22. Carl Schulte says:



    • Mary McGarvey says:

      Typing was not just for “girls”, I saw that many boys learned it in the 1970’s and men in many downtown San Francisco offices preferred to do
      A lot of their own correspondence on IBM selectric typewriters.
      Shorthand was a standard business and journalism skill since the 1910’s. Boys would learn it plus typing to get a foot in the door of any business. More and more women got the secretarial jobs and learned these skills.
      I learned typing and shorthand to be a writer and a journalist. They have proved invaluable and many men tell me that they wished that shorthand had been forced in the schools so that we all could write at the speed people

  23. From Quebec says:

    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump declared Sunday a National Day of Prayer. In doing so, he captured in miniature everything wrong with his administration’s approach to the mounting crisis.

  24. Daniel Noël says:

    Fair criticism of modern Christianity. Alas, churches’ blissful ignorance of any pandemic conspiracy and refuge into wishful praying was to be expected. Just think of how many preachers have given an intelligent sermon about 9/11, where the video record of the Twin Towers’ destruction provides straightforward evidence of foul play. Instead of educating Christians on the evil aspect of 9/11 and exploring its spiritual context, liberal Christians have been happy to preach tolerance of liberal Muslims and fear of all fundamentalists, meaning primarily Christian fundamentalists, while fundamentalist preachers have been happy to demonize Islam.

    To expect any sensible teaching about a hyped pandemic from a preacher who cannot turn Building 7’s video record into a call for faith in action is wishful thinking. If the solution to the ongoing worldwide rendition of Plato’s cave has a spiritual component, it will have to come from outside Christianity.


  25. Ed says:

    Dear Jon, I’m writing from Barcelona, Spain, I’m not a native English speaker but I just wanted to thank you for your posts. Just over a week ago I found out about you and your work when I read a comment on a Spanish forum where a LOT of junk is written -you have to spend many hours filtering stuff- but it was a golden nugget for me: your posts -and the links in the comments section that your readers provide- have become my main sorce of information and a huge mind relief (I’ve also subscribed to you newsletter in case your blog is being censored).

    There’s no one else in my country giving you real information, and I never thought I would see something like this: most countries seem to follow the same pattern in a matter of days. Ten days ago you could live a “normal” life, today it’s become a nightmare (and this is just the beginning, I’m afraid). You’re not allowed to be an individual any more… and no one seems to notice that. Don’t believe all that hype about relaxed, Mediterranean lifestyle, by the way: angry, paranoid people are really rude in queues; policemen are becoming very aggressive towards normal citizens, and so on.

    I’ve tried to translate your articles to my closest family members -non-educated but good-hearted people- and the result is counterproductive: they feel attacked and become aggressive as the brainwashing is EVERYWHERE, and it is so powerful that it makes me feel more isolated than ever.

    Even some of the few smart people I know have listened to my attempts at trying to share some information but their answer is usually very negative too: raised eyebrows, uncomfortable silence, rude words. You cannot give them a brief summary of all this in a couple of minutes… and that’s all they give you, if anything.

    They still have cheap booze in supermarkets, Netflix on their TVs, piles of toilet paper, apps on their smartphones, pizzas are being delivered (?!)… Panem et circenses, like the Romans used to say. But don’t dare questioning why you’re being treated like a prisoner in your own home: if someone is walking on the beach, Whatsapp neigbour groups are organized to call the police so that they take that person away. “He’s infecting us!” It’s really scary.

    Years of brainwashing -from mainstream media, social media, pop culture, schools, universities and so on- have been successful for the people organizing all this circus: I have yet to find ONE INDIVIDUAL over here who’s open to question social mantras, and that’s really the worst part. There’s just a small crack of free speech -the internet- but I’m not sure it will last very long. I don’t have ANY doubt our government will force everyone to be injected with whatever vaccine they decide to use. And they’ll probably limit access to information like yours.

    Spanish politicians seem to be following orders while other issues are probably being negotiated behind closed doors as a “Thank you” bonus for them: probably a “corralito” style treatment for most bank accounts where most people have their life savings, overthrowing current Spanish monarchy (it will be easy for them), independence referendum for Catalonia (where I live) and so on.

    On a personal level, things are getting worse every day too: yesterday I saw people on rooftop terraces (in their own building), but this is forbidden too now. It’s just so crazy, but EVERYONE seems to obey blindly.

    If I had not read your blog and seen that 10 minute video by that German virologist -and all the other comments and links by curious, smart, sane people from all over the world (different ages, different countries, different backgrounds but definitely NOT brainwashed), I would think I’m going crazy.

    By the way, the BEST information I seem to find comes from people from a certain age group (I’m 44 and no spring chicken, but you or Dr Wodard are older): I have the feeling that some younger guys from a certain age brackett may be too afraid to be ostracized forever professionally -or something even worse- if they dare to spread certain information.

    Anyway, I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH for you work and everyone posting here. I really hope more people try to open their eyes to see what’s behind all this madness, but over here things seem to be going really fast to a point of no return.

    • Ulises says:

      Hi, Ed.
      I subscribe your post from beginning to end.
      Just let me tell you that you are not the only one in this town thinking and feeling alike, it actually feels like living in an open air mental asylum. But we are just isolated and certainly not promoted by the mainstream.
      Fear does not help, its an illness and a weakening condition mainly because it is an energy wich is harvested whith delight by the top masters of the evil cabal, much more so than money itself that they produce at will and is just a control tool.
      This energy some call loosh, if you want to expand on this, have a look at the work of a fellow citizen at: http://pluralidaddelosmundos.blogspot.com
      Un fuerte abrazo.

    • Toni says:

      Oh, my God. Bless your heart! You are not alone. There are millions of us who can see. Just stay true to that, no matter what. Also read mileswmathis.com for so much information that you need to know. Especially Updates section.

    • saoirse says:

      Hang in there Ed! Glad you found this site.
      It may be better to just sit back and observe right now as most people are too irrational to deal with critical thinking, including those who are ‘educated’
      Be persistent (but cautious) and you will eventually find some like-minded people – especially after they start growing tired of being confined at home!
      La mejor de las suertes para ti!!

    • za ka lu says:

      if we don’t ‘obey’ they have no power over us—its crunchtime, will we honor truth or the ’embezzler’?

  26. From Quebec says:

    I believe in the prophets. God always tell us in advance what is coming.

    I was in a time of prayer several weeks ago when God began to speak to me concerning the destiny of Donald Trump in America. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said,

    “Trump shall become My trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in My people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed. I am going to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America like never before, but you must understand that he is like a bull in a china closet. Many will want to throw him away because he will disturb their sense of peace and tranquility, but you must listen through the bantering to discover the truth that I will speak through him. I will use the wealth that I have given him to expose and launch investigations searching for the truth. Just as I raised up Cyrus to fulfill My purposes and plans, so have I raised up Trump to fulfill my purposes and plans prior to the 2016 election. You must listen to the trumpet very closely for he will sound the alarm and many will be blessed because of his compassion and mercy. Though many see the outward pride and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father that wants to lend a helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the stranger.

    Read the rest at: https://avemariaradio.net/prophecy-donald-trump-shall-become-the-trumpet/

  27. Pisces says:

    BREAKING REPORT: 99% of Italian Coronavirus Fatalities Were Already Sick; Half Diagnosed with 3 or More Diseases


    • Rick Potvin says:

      Yes, this post speaks to the flawed numbers and statistics. Jon has pointed to these flaws as fundamental problem. Let me expand on that with an interesting twist I heard last night from one of George Noori’s guests on Coast to Coast. Noori is doing some good gumshoe detective work with various guests re: corona nonsense. He often asks questions that are indeed penetrating.

      So… The guest pointed out that “cases”, a word that Jon has hilighted as a problem, need to be looked at in the context of “controls”. BINGO!. Of course. This media habit of telling us that “cases” have spiked, leaves out the “controls”. So I searched on keywords

      cases controls study

      and got this result…

      A result of that search turns up this insightful definition– right at the top…

      A case-control study is designed to help determine if an exposure is associated with an outcome (i.e., disease or condition of interest). In theory, the case-control study can be described simply. First, identify the cases (a group known to have the outcome) and the controls (a group known to be free of the outcome).

      Epidemiology in Practice: Case-Control Studies

      Rick continues– Ok.. so Jon has pointed to the flawed use of “cases” before here. Search his site for that.


      Rick continues– I have to leave for work shortly so I’ll leave it to our astute readers here to follow up on those links. The UPSHOT here, in my foxhole… is that you cannot refer to a “case”– a TECHNICAL TERM– by ITSELF. A “case” must be viewed in the CONTEXT of a “case-control study”!!!

      To be continued.. Rick’s report here on how “case-control studies” work and what a “case” “is” and how to describe a “case” in the context of a “case-control study”.

      Finally, how to speak to co-workers, friends, feinds, and family about “cases” in a light-hearted non-threatening even SOCRATIC DIALOG and half-humorous but non-insulting way that shakes up their thinking.

      I asked a buddy at work yesterday if he thinks the Corona virus is a hoax or not. He responded “of course not.. people are dying”. I related to him how I watched Ron Paul’s video of Mar. 17th titled “Corona Virus a Hoax”. He was immediately delighted by my reference to Ron Paul.
      “I LOVE Ron Paul” he said. I worked with the Libertarians in the last election.
      “FAntastic!” I said. “Just look up Ron Paul and corona virus on youtube!”… and left him bewildered.

      IF you hear someone say “cases”, say “you mean cases done in a case-control-study?”. That someone will hopefully stop and ask “what do you mean?”.
      “A case in a case-control-study? Which case-control-study? There haven’t been many done. Was it here in Arizona?”
      By gently bamboozling others with superior knowledge then not demanding they concede and smiling with delight, we can stimulate their neural network… and MAYBE “change their minds” literally!!!

      • Rick Potvin says:

        UPDATE related to W.H.O. (world health org)… BASIC MATH ERROR…

        Rick says… It will take me a few more reads to grasp the “MATH ERROR” made by W.H.O.’s head, a guy named… Ghebreyesus. This guy has thrown the world into turmoil because… he made a basic math error.

        To grasp it, we have to assume that ordinary flu exists, and that the stats on it are okay. Then we have to go along with the notion that there is a separate disease called corona virus– which is debatable– but the point HERE is if we DO go along with that idea, for the sake of THIS argument– we see that GhebReyEsus’ MATH included ASYMPTOMATIC cases with his flu numbers but NO asymptomatic cases with his CORONA numbers.

        short summary quote in case you don’t want to click on the link
        “Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu…. This egregiously false premise has led to the greatest economic panic in world history….If asymtomatic cases are included in Ghebreyesus’s calculation the actual mortality rate of the coronavirus is somewhere between 0.2% to 0.8% or lower.

        Rick says… This REVELATION is consistent with the idea that a CASE must be looked at in the context of a CASE CONTROL STUDY… in this situation, the ASYMPTOMATIC numbers must be part of the control, no?

        • Rick Potvin says:

          BREAKING– Ben Still, Laura Ingram… Trump, Chloroquin, Greg , hudroxy chloroquin, used since WWII… great safety profile,… Chinese and S. Koreans using it… discovered to work….

          30 patient controlled study… patients taking HCQ …

          GLOBAL CONTROLLED STUDY needed now… so even if coronoa virus is fake, this defeated MALARAIA…5Cents a tablet… Laura took it before going to Africa…

          Trump has had FDA cut red tape… use right to try…

          Sorry for the choppy writing… doing it as I listen to this… […]

          Gotta go. Back tonight. HYDROXY CHLOROQUIN… Laura INGRAM on Fox tonight likely… WORLD WIDE CONTROLLED STUDY needed now…

          Get CITY COUNCILS to look at this, STATE gov’s…. CORPORATIONS… friends, fiends and relatives.

  28. Wayne says:

    Dr. Drew Slams ‘Reprehensible’ Media For Sparking Coronavirus Panic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfjcEiW-Rzc

  29. From Quebec says:

    I was also looking for the Kim Clement videos about Trump, but believe it or not, They have all being deleted,

    There is also Mark Taylor who is doing a great job .

  30. Jen says:

    The world is full of lies. I find nothing in Scripture that says we should fight against darkness. I do find plenty that says we are to speak and defend the truth about Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind. There is a subtle but important difference, which I’m sure you appreciate, Jon.

    I am also disheartened that the 501c3 churches have erred by being overly concerned with what the world thinks of them. Instead, they could do two things, show love to Christians by protecting those whom they consider vulnerable and show love to nonbelievers by getting out there and sharing the Good News with frightened people.

    I have called this the plague of unbelief because people prefer the lies over the truth and darkness over light. These people are the ones freaking out because this plague has shown them that all their ‘truths’ are absolutely worthless now. What was hidden will be revealed and men will fall down from fear. We are seeing both happening right now.

  31. Bullwinkle says:

    I left the Church years ago as I realized I had better ways to waste my time.

    The Bible to me is ancient knowledge in allegory form.
    It is the book of the LAW.
    All legal maxims come from the Bible.
    Everything Mans government does is in opposition to Gods law of Creation.
    Jesus was the example of how to live Gods Law and the laws of creation and reality.
    Government must break every one of the Ten Commandments in order to exist. Government is in place of the Creator God and expects worship all the way to coveting EVERYTHING as demonstrated by its actions using the Conjob-19 virus.
    Mans law is based in a world of fiction and paper.
    Gods law is based on reality.

    Check out https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/
    Clint Richardson tells more about the Bible and meaning of words than any other source I have read. The Story of your Strawman is free to download.

  32. JB says:

    Jon, you are 100% right. It bothers me that the church wants to honor Trump. One church I was in a few months ago was praying that he wouldn’t get impeached, and that he would be re-elected this year.

    That gets on my nerves. The church doesn’t seem to understand that the White House is evil. I pray that those politicians repent and leave office. They are hell-bound at this point (although it can change. God is the judge. They can repent of their power and money lust).

    • From Quebec says:

      My goodness JB Remember that God put Trump here so the swamp can be drained. Have you no faith in God ?

      Do you think that Trump could stand up alone and declare that he is the greatest expert in the world on corona virus?
      Of course not. That is not how it will be done.

      But when all this will end, because it will end, then he will be able to have real experts to investigate the hoax and believe me,a lot of people will be going to Guantanamo

  33. Aron says:

    I realize all these numbers are suspect but nonetheless, even using their numbers, why the panic?

    In Ontario, 12,678 people have been tested.

    12,421 negative (98% rate)
    257 “positive” (2% rate)
    22 hospitalized (0.17% rate)
    2 dead (0.016% rate)

    They also said 80% of the “positive” cases came from people who traveled outside of Canada but would not say the % of people with negative results who also traveled (could it be near 80% as well?). Gas lighting propagandists!

    Yup, the push towards communism is totally worth it!?!!

    Too boring to watch but here’s the source.

  34. Milos says:

    I’m sorry but you are wrong about virus… It seems real. (Posting here because it is most recent blogpost, not related to churches)

    • Greg C. says:

      It only seems real. The population of Italy is about 60 million. Let’s say the average lifespan is 75. That means each year, 1/75th of 60 million will pass away. Each week, over 15,000 would be expected to die in Italy. So 3,000 over a few weeks is statistically not much – especially when most of them are over 75.

      Really this story has nothing to do with facts or numbers – it has to do with people’s fear of death. Normally we go about totally unaware of death happening all around us. This is normal. What is abnormal is an obsession with a blip in mortality rate of elderly people half a world away, and convincing ourselves that we should just stop normal life. Snap out of it.

      • Milos says:

        Hey Greg, thanks for answers. I see your point, but deaths here are concentrated in one part of Italy, clearly described by regular medical staff which are people who just try to help without any hidden agenda, as extremely unregular. Why are they cremating people so dramatically, why are there 12 pages of obituaries etc etc. We can not claim that this is not real. Just discussing, I admit that most people are unaware of constant death hapenning all the time, but isn’t this a bit different? Circumstances are unusual. Regular people I mentioned above would not claim that this is unusual if death numbers are not significatly bigger…

        • Alan says:

          Deaths are not concentrated in any part of Italy. The “advertised” (labeled as COVID) deaths are.

          Please learn statistics, especially the part about errors, bias, and fraud.

          • Milos says:

            Alan, so the guy from article I linked is pretty much lying and there is no significant increase of deaths in Bergamo?

        • Greg C. says:

          Newspaper obituaries are not an indicator – they are an emotional trigger. You see pictures of people and stories, and immediately it reaches a part of you. Is that a good basis for disrupting life for the entire world? “Regular people claim…” that phrase disqualifies everything you say. In this age, anything can appear regular – that’s what the news is all about. A good percentage of people will go along with anything that appears to be from a regular source. Stop thinking in terms of sources, and look at the numbers of reported deaths. They are insignificant statistically. A busy crematorium can mean that bodies were being refrigerated in advance, or cadavers shipped in from medical schools. There is a huge supply of dead bodies that no one ever thinks about, again, because normally we have no reason to do so.

      • Rick Potvin says:

        Greg C. said “Really this story has nothing to do with facts or numbers – it has to do with people’s fear of death.”.

        Interesting idea– since people are working themselves into a frenzy over an imaginary deadly virus that can make perfectly healthy “asymptomatic” people “carriers” that need to be separated by six feet. What insanity!

        What if we could prove to people that the numbers are wrong, however? Would that not alleviate their fear of death? In other words, we back ourselves out of this insane asylum the same way we came in?

        • Greg C. says:


          Never going to happen – when people set out to prove something, the goal is always to confirm what they already believe. So when you have two diametrically opposed views – 1. The world is fragile, scary, dangerous, and humans are fragile, vulnerable creatures, and 2. The world is a reasonably safe place for people who are willing to engage with it and are not afraid. These cannot be reconciled through proof. The basis for all perception is how we view the world – the facts never speak for themselves – it is up to us to make them speak together with our world view.

          So what we are witnessing is an attempt for the first view to replace the second. It’s been going on for a very long time. The virus is the “proof” that group 1 has been hungering after, and the purveyors of news, their job is to feed these hungry masses.

          In religious terms, they do not have eyes to see nor ears to hear.

    • Redpill says:

      People are reacting more to the sensationalizing of it and the LACK of valid information coming from the media.

      Yes, Some 3,405 people in Italy have died from Covid-19-maybe, meaning deaths there have surpassed those in China. What you aren’t looking at is specifics because the media isn’t giving any. Here is a blog that has specifics:
      A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19

      It gives a break down of the people who have died:
      A Swiss medical doctor provided the following information on the current situation in order to enable our readers to make a realistic risk assessment.

      According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old.

      80% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases. 50% of the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases. The chronic diseases include in particular cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer.

      Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases. Only about 30% of the deceased are women.

      The Italian Institute of Health moreover distinguishes between those who died from the coronavirus and those who died with the coronavirus. In many cases it is not yet clear whether the persons died from the virus or from their pre-existing chronic diseases or from a combination of both.
      More at link.

      Also in regards to China:
      Number of novel coronavirus COVID-19 infection, death and recovery cases in Greater China as of March 19, 2020, by region:

      Currently confirmed:7452
      Cumulative confirmed: 81263

      If you take the death rate of Wuhan, the epicenter, where the population is 58 million it amounts to abut 0000.54 deaths in that region. China’s population is about 8 Billion. When you take into consideration that, according to a Lancet study done in 2005, 400,000 people die in China per year because of the heavy pollution. When you look at the deaths you have to factor in age, underlying chronic conditions and men who smoke which is a large section of the population. One of the reason smokers have been hit the hardest: Bulk and single-cell transcriptomics identify tobacco-use disparity in lung gene expression of ACE2, the receptor of 2019-nCov.

      This study indicates that smokers especially former smokers may be more susceptible to 2019-nCov and have infection paths different with non-smokers.

      Nearly one in three smokers in the world is Chinese. In 2018, there were nearly 800,000 new cases of lung cancer diagnosed in China, and every year, over a million Chinese people die from tobacco-related diseases. -https://signal.supchina.com/chinas-cigarette-smoking-epidemic/.

      These are the variables in China. Now what must be done in Italy is the same thing. We know it has the third oldestelderly population in the world and most of the deaths have occurred in the region that has the oldest citizens but what else is unique about it? These things need to be put into perspective.

      According to the latest European monitoring report, overall mortality in all countries (including Italy) and in all age groups remains within or even below the normal range.-https://www.euromomo.eu/index.html

    • za ka lu says:


      3rd person present: seems

      **give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.
      “Dawn seemed annoyed”

      appear to be
      give the impression of being
      look like
      look as though one is
      look to be
      have the look of
      show signs of
      come across as
      strike someone as sound

      **used to make a statement or description of one’s thoughts, feelings, or actions less assertive or forceful.
      “I seem to remember giving you very precise instructions”

      **be unable to do something, despite having tried.
      “he couldn’t seem to remember his lines”

  35. SanityClaus says:

    Only an idiot would throw the money changers out of the temple. The temple is protected from fake coins by the money changers. Who was it that proclaimed the apocalypse is upon us now? Oh yeah, the fictional character Jesus. He’s coming back……any second now…..he’s coming to kill you if you don’t bow down.
    EVERY church in the U.S.A. promotes and endorses and sanctifies as holy the fake money military scrip Federal Reserve note. Only real silver coins should be used for honest charity.
    LUCK can be cultivated through honest acts of charity using honest silver coins. Fake money cannot be used to cultivate luck because it will not make you lucky. The churches are the cheerleaders for pentagon fake money federal reserve notes forced upon us by traitors, murderers, heroin pushers and chicken hawks that kill for the child rapist pedophile cult of Islam.
    Did you see the pope on his knees kissing their feet?
    The purpose of religion is to destroy ALL knowledge including luck, morality and your eternal nature. THIS IS ONLY ONE VERSION OF YOUR ETERNAL LIVES.

  36. From Quebec says:

    Please everyone listen to this powerful video

    Trump 2020 Prophecy – Kim Clement






  37. bleak says:

    Great article. How many so-called Christians would question the official story? IDK. But it’s worth trying. I’ve tried talking to “pastors” etc about what they consider heretical and politically incorrect (the war on Palestine) and was told I’m going to burn in hell by one. Another actually said “who cares?”

    But there are intelligent Christians (including clergy) who are open and caring. So it’s worth trying. Jesus didn’t want us to lay down and die for a bunch of psychos. I know that is not what he said and did.

    I have a few Biblical references for them too.

    “Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” ~Matthew 16:6

    “Why don’t you judge for yourselves what is right?” ~Luke 12:57

    “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” ~Luke 12:49

    • From Quebec says:

      The Palestinians’ Worst Enemy Is Their Own Leaders

      • bleak says:

        Stop. Their leaders, incompetent/inadequate as they are, haven’t been bombing, demolishing, murdering, kidnapping, beating etc etc etc etc their own people, men, women and children, since 1948. Their worst enemy is Israel obviously. Second is the US which supports Israel with billions every year. Third is the PA who weren’t elected by anyone from Palestine. Don’t reply to this because you are clearly misinformed and/or under mind control. And it’s off-topic.

        • From Quebec says:

          Wrong again, it is their leaders ho hates Israel and incite them to kill them for no reason. Israel is good. Palestine is bad.

  38. peterbro says:

    The one thing the blackhats fear is the power of sincere prayer that comes from the heart.
    Such prayer draws from the boundless power of the divine and makes “room” for assistance from those Masters operating from higher dimensions to cause effects in this 3 dimensional reality which will be perceived as ‘miracles.’

    The blackhats believe in a lie, and so are limited.
    Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

    If your ‘God’ plays dice, then there is a place for fear in your emotional vernacular, but the power of faith allows one to connect with the divine and manifest providence.

  39. Anne says:

    Thank you, Jon, for being a consistent, unwavering voice of reason. It’s so obvious that this is a coup to take away ALL of our civil liberties and ruin the economy so we can be further enslaved.. And, masses are just rolling over, churches included – “here, my government overseers, take EVERYTHING that is provided to me in my Constitution.”

    As a Catholic, I’m devastated by how easily and readily my church has succumbed to this hyped up crap, given it’s also an attack on the Catholic Church. Really, can’t people see that it’s no coincidence that it’s during our Holy Lenten season and our most Holy Day, Easter. At first the lockdown was for 2 weeks, and then they extended it to April 12, the day after Easter – surprise, surprise!

    I did want to point out that the CDC’s website is very sane – they aren’t the ones hyping this up and placing all of these bans. Essentially, the CDC’s website says: wash your hands, cover when sneezing or coughing, stay inside if you’re ill. It’s the media ONLY in conjunction with the deep state that is running the narrative.

    Jon, you’ve given me the courage and resolve to write letters to my Catholic so-called leaders. I’ll speak out as much as I possibly can. Thank you again!

  40. Billy says:

    I’m around someone in my family that could kick me out anytime, that says they put God above all, but what God are they talking about? Many Luciferians lie about their belief in God, by saying Jehova when they really mean Luciferian. And they will turn on family when told to do so. They go to church to feel good, that Jesus Christ is an emergency god only, to be told they are saved by grace meaning they can continue to be Luciferian, two faced Gemini. I accused you of being Luciferian. I don’t know, but I do know if I painted with my imagination, that only the good things would come out while Luciferian wireless surveillance puts the bad things in my mind, and has others do things based on that, including eliminating life with those thoughts. None of us have control over the things in our minds, and the Luciferian surveillance states takes advantage of that all the while wearing Snow White.

    • Alan says:

      Matthew 7:21-23.

      Claiming to believe in God does not mean that God accepts that kind of faith.

      I refuse to believe in a god who creates germs to make us sick, unless convinced by sound evidence both scientifically and theologically. So far the science I have seen is adequate to reject the germ theory. And the extension to virus theory, and in particular this coronavirus, is nothing but far-fetched science fiction.

  41. From Quebec says:

    Hirings for quarantine centers in Texas, California, New York, Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts and more
    Mike Adams | Natural News – MARCH 19, 2020

  42. Darrell says:

    Brother Nathaniel (the popular and controversial Orthodox monk who was raised in Talmudic Judaism) always has something provocative to say about whatever he’s talking about. Here he is on the “Money-Changers” and the “Corona Carnival”:

  43. From Quebec says:

    The Rush Limbaugh Show 3/19/20 | Rush Limbaugh March 19, 2020

    If you have the time, watch it. Rush is so right about the corona virus

  44. Liv 4ever says:

    True Christians are no part of the world. Of course we long to be freed from the injustice and lawlessness of the present system. And things like ddt, and smoking in public were banned, so there is some hope there that people will do the right thing. But even if you could stop all the evil things people are doing, we would still grow old and die. God’s kingdom is the only thing that will ultimately satisfy mankind’s desires. Of course 5g is madness, of course they are running a global psy op on us all. It wouldn’t surprise me though to find out that religious institutions are actually behind the shenanigans. So invoking the help of Babylon the Great does not compute.

  45. Ron J. says:

    Amen Jon on St.Pat’s day the same day people were posting citing the WSJ and the differences were night and day from your fine post citing maybe 2 deaths according to the Italian5 Higher Health President to the WSJ saying 2,500. Unfortunately many seem to want to believe that 2,400 though sharing yours hoping it will make a difference one by . Thank you very much for all your diligent hard work. God bless You Jon!


  46. To paraphrase Grouch Marx … I wouldn’t belong to any church that would have someone like ME as a member.

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