Top 10 things progressive politicians should do to prove they’re progressive

Top ten things progressive politicians should do to prove they’re progressive

by Jon Rappoport

January 29, 2018

It’s a simple premise: since so-called progressive politicians are incessantly meddling in other people’s business, telling them what they should and shouldn’t do, these progressives should demonstrate their own values by exemplifying them in their own lives.

Why not? If the values are virtuous, what harm could result? Only good could come of it.

One: To improve your life, to make it better, bring at least three single-male illegal immigrants, between 18 and 25 years of age, into your home to live. Provide a sanctuary. If you own several homes, settle several of these immigrants into each, as full-time residents.

Two: Give up all your guns. Fire your armed security personnel.

Three: Immediately receive all vaccinations listed on the CDC expanded schedule. Don’t worry about the aluminum, the formaldehyde, and other toxic chemicals in the shots. Ignore the fact that no proper studies have been done assessing the effects of multiple vaccinations given in combination. Just keep quiet and take the shots.

Four: Those politicians who voted for the infamous Dark Act, which effectively banned Americans from knowing whether their foods contain GMOs: eat only GMO food with its increased load of pesticides. No worries.

Five: Go to war on any battlefield when war is declared. Join the infantry. Pick up a gun. Position yourself on the front lines. Kill or be killed.

Six: Take your children out of elite private schools and send them to public schools.

Seven: No more private jets. You believe in manmade global warming. Use only public transport. Have a deep analysis done of every wasteful CO2 practice you engage in, and eliminate it. Reduce your carbon footprint. Get rid of extra homes.

Eight: Participate fully in Obamacare. Cancel any other health insurance policy you have.

Nine: Sell the home you live in, and move to a neighborhood where illegal immigrants have been newly resettled.

Ten: Divest yourself of all monies inherited or gained through investments, since these are signs of Privilege. If you’re still in the top tax bracket, pay 90% of you annual income to the federal government.

There is more—for example, since you support Antifa, refuse the help of the police under any and all circumstances—and since you champion the DOJ and the FBI, warmly accept full government surveillance of your conversations stemming from FISA court warrants—but those above ten actions will start you off in the right direction. I’m sure you’ll feel better, knowing you’re personally living the improved life you want everyone else to live.

It’s a win-win, isn’t it?

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

16 comments on “Top 10 things progressive politicians should do to prove they’re progressive

  1. nomad says:

    your image of progressivism is faulty. some of it false. but in the main youre talking about liberals not progressives. i dont think there are any progressives in government. just republicans and dinos.

    • Wrusssr says:

      In the reality of today’s weasel- worded vernacular:

      liberals = progressives = leftists = socialists/Marxists = central government control = UN = London’s international banking cabal that controls the world’s paper money supply = the same banking cabal that bank-rolled the Bolshevik’s takeover in Russia and the subsequent killing of at least 60-million circa 1917-1944 = enslavement of people and hope.


      Swedish writer Juri Lina and other researchers who’ve examined the archives that have been opened in Russia, have estimated that it was mostly white, Christian, weaponless Russians who died following the Bolshevik communist takeover in Russia circa 1917-1944.

      Documentry: IN THE SHADOWN OF HERMES Jüri Lina (2009) /oIuW-vNQsQI

      Book: UNDER THE SIGN OF THE SCORPION (Jüri Lina, Updated, 3rd edition)

      The U.S. Constitution and it’s armed citizenry are the banker’s stumbling blocks on their yellow brick road to a planned central/socialist world government with themselves in charge.

      Key enablers helping these central bankers engineer America’s and the West’s financial and economic downfall feel certain they will be rewarded if they’re successful.

      Unfortunately, those were the first people the Bolsheviks stood up against the wall when they took over Russia. 60 million + deaths later they had their pure Soviet Socialists ‘Republics’ of Russia.

  2. John says:

    Since they believe all cultures are equal, who don’t they vacation in every shit hole country on earth they tell us is better than their own?

    Regressives will never do any of the above because they are just as fraudulent and corrupt as the propaganda they spew. Their souls are so dark and corrupt they refuse to look in the mirror.

  3. Maggie says:


  4. paschnn1 says:

    Thanks, now I have to explain to my wife why she found me in the office chuckling to myself.

  5. Dean Striker says:

    Rappaport said it right, Probably can never happen, tho’.

  6. Sam Fidman says:

    Good to know you heartily approve of unregulated capitalism – along with slavery, child labor, homelessness  – and thousands of children starving to death globally every day.  I wondered how far right you are – hey, you should soon get a check from Fox News.

  7. From Quebec says:

    Why Liberals call themselves progressives is because their liberal minds progresses every day.

    Day by day, they get more and more insane. To the point that Insanity is not a strong enough word to describe them.

    There is no cure for these lunatics, they must be crushed and thrown into the pit of hell.

  8. William Burke says:

    Since the liberals of which you speak self-identify as progressives, your analysis turns out to carry little weight. It would be better if you re-frame your statement.

    Calling them “progressives” helps to focus upon the lie at the center of who they are.

  9. Sunshine2 says:

    Agree Jon. Been thinking this for a long, long time. The people who push the rules should follow the rules. No more separate health plan for the rule makers. Oh, and no separate legal system either…

    • Sunshine2 says:

      And add to that, if even one retirement savings plan or retirement benefit fails, or changes to the detriment of the recipient, law makers’ benefits should also be denied. Really, they are treated and acting like royalty these days and not acting as representatives at all.

  10. flyinggabriel says:

    The proof of the pudding is in the refusal to eat it.

  11. Great idea, Jon.

    However we all know that governments are collectives of corrupt individuals that only make arbitrary concessions with legislation that’s “let through”. Of course the “system” knows only certain “impeccable” individuals suit this style of governing, so decent true virtue is either shown the door at congress application stage or thrown at the Media watchdog for smearing in “selection” races. I have a feeling you personally know all about that.

    I wouldn’t touch politics with a bargepole.


  12. YT Cai says:

    You are confusing progressives with neo-liberals. A few dichotomies are: progressives want single payer not Obamacare, that is a Republican plan; progressives oppose wars of aggression while neo-liberals are for all war all of the time; progessives are against GMO’s and some question the government on the possible harms of vaccines; they believe in public education and most can’t afford private schools; and many progressives are hunters and gun owners, but do oppose unfettered ownership of in particular assault weapons.

    Other of Jon’s arguments are lame like bringing immigrants into your home. A like argument could be made for the pro-life folks. We’ll bring all woman with unwanted pregnancies to their houses and they can care for them, pay medical costs, and raise the children once born. Same for the inheritance issue. Progressives are not against it, but do favor a tax on some ungodly sum.

    You could count progressives in Congress on one hand, and they have zero power. Actually, the neo-liberals prefer Republicans to win seats than progressives. Go watch some Jimmy Dore videos […]

  13. nomad says:

    oh so its like that eh?
    as i said, your take on progressives is faulty and some of it false. […]

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