Antony Sutton, Skull&Bones, Hitler, the Bush family

Antony Sutton, Skull&Bones, Hitler, the Bush family

by Jon Rappoport

August 27, 2017

The prodigious author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events.

I recently came across a 1999 interview with Sutton, conducted by Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers.

Millegan wrote about Antony Sutton in 1999: “Antony C. Sutton, 74, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University (see also my additional piece here). Sutton showed how the Soviet state’s technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet’s large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.”

“…Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and— ‘a picture jumped out’. And what a picture! A multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to ‘Illuminati’ influences in 1830’s Germany.”

Here are excerpts from the 1999 interview:

Millegan – Can you tell the story of how you learned of Skull & Bones? And how you felt?

Sutton – I knew nothing of S&B until I received a letter in the early 80’s asking if I would like to look at a genuine membership list. For no real reason I said yes. It was agreed to send the package by Federal Express and I could keep it for 24 hours, it had to be returned to the safe. It was a “black bag” job by a family member disgusted with their activities.

For the benefit of any S&B members who may read and doubt the statement; the membership list is in two volumes, black leather bound. Living members and deceased members in separate volumes. Very handsome books.

I spent all night in Kinko’s, Santa Cruz, copied the entire volumes and returned within the 24 hour period.

I have never released any copies or identified the source. I figured each copy could be coded and enable S&B to trace the leak.

How did I feel? I felt then (as I do now} that these “prominent” men are really immature juveniles at heart. The horrible reality is that these little boys have been dominant in their influence in world affairs. No wonder we have wars and violence. Skull and Bones is the symbol of terrorist violence, pirates, the SS Deaths Head Division in WW Two, labels on poison bottles and so on.

I kept the stack of xerox sheets for quite a while before I looked at them—when I did look—a picture jumped out, THIS was a significant part of the so called establishment. No wonder the world has problems!

Millegan: – What did your study of elites, economics, secrecy and technology do for your career?

Sutton – Depends what you mean by “career”?

By conventional standards I am an abject failure. I’ve been thrown out of two major Universities (UCLA and Stanford), denied tenure at Cal State Los Angeles. Every time I write something, it appears to offend someone in the Establishment and they throw me to the wolves.

On the other hand I’ve written 26 books, published a couple of newsletters and so on…even more important I’ve never compromised on the truth. And I don’t quit.

In material terms…hopeless failure. In terms of discovery…I think I’ve been successful. Judge a man by his enemies. William Buckley called me a “jerk”. Glenn Campbell, former Director of the Hoover Institution, Stanford called me “a problem”.

Millegan – Did any of Hitler’s economic policies threaten the interests of the international bankers, and if so did that play a role in his downfall?

Sutton – Hitler’s economic policies were OK’d by the bankers right through the war…ITT, Chase, Texaco and others were operating in Nazi-held France as late as 1945. In fact Chase in Paris was trying to get [acquire] Nazi accounts as late as 1944. When we got to Germany in May 1945, I remember seeing a (bombed-out) Woolworth store in Hamburg and thinking, “What’s Woolworth doing in Nazi Germany?” While we were bombed and shelled it was “business as usual” for Big Business. Try the Alien Custodian Papers.

Union Banking [Corporation] is very important. I made a documentary for Dutch National TV some years ago. It got all the way through the production process to the Dutch TV Guide…at the last minute it was pulled and another film substituted. This documentary has proof of Bush financing Hitler—documents.

Maybe my Dutch friends will still get it viewed, but the apparatus reaches into Holland.

Millegan – What is the story that was going to be told on Dutch TV? And what is the story of its censorship?

Sutton – Couple of years back, a Dutch TV production company from Amsterdam—under contract to Dutch National TV—came to US to make documentary on S&B [Skull and Bones]. They went to the Bones Temple and other places and interviewed people on East Coast. On West Coast, they interviewed myself and one other person.

I saw extracts from the original and it is a good professional job. They had documents linking Bush family and other S&B members to financing Hitler through Union Banking of New York and its Dutch correspondent bank. More than I have in [Sutton’s book] WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER.

The first version was later upgraded into a two part documentary and scheduled for showing this last March. It was pulled at last minute and has never been shown.

(This Dutch TV production is on YouTube in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2)

Millegan – What do you see for the future?

Suttton – Chaos, confusion and ultimately a battle between the individual and the State.

The individual is the stronger; and will win. The state is a fiction sanctified by Hegel and his followers to CONTROL the individual.

Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them…

—end of interview excerpt—

Here is a telling Antony Sutton quote from his book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (1986):

“By using data of Russian origin it is possible to make an accurate analysis of the origins of this equipment. It was found that all the main diesel and steam-turbine propulsion systems of the ninety-six Soviet ships on the Haiphong supply run [to the North Vietnamese] that could be identified (i.e., eighty-four out of the ninety-six) originated in design or construction outside the USSR. We can conclude, therefore, that if the [US] State and Commerce Departments, in the 1950s and 1960s, had consistently enforced the legislation passed by Congress in 1949, the Soviets would not have had the ability to supply the Vietnamese War – and 50,000 more Americans and countless Vietnamese would be alive today.”

“Who were the government officials responsible for this transfer of known military technology? The concept originally came from National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, who reportedly sold President Nixon on the idea that giving military technology to the Soviets would temper their global territorial ambitions. How Henry arrived at this gigantic non sequitur is not known. Sufficient to state that he aroused considerable concern over his motivations. Not least that Henry had been a paid family employee of the Rockefellers since 1958 and has served as International Advisory Committee Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, a Rockefeller concern.”

If you think such traitorous actions could never have occurred, I point you to another researcher, Charles Higham, and his 1983 classic, Trading with the Enemy.

Higham focuses on World War 2. The men behind the curtain Higham exposed are in the same basic group that Antony Sutton exposed.

Higham, Trading with the Enemy:

“What would have happened if millions of American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey [part of the Rockefeller empire] managers shipped the enemy’s [Germany’s] fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars’ worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan [the Rockefeller family among others?] Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler’s communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that ITT built the FockeWulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the U.S. War Production Board in partnership with Goering’s cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately ignored?”

Getting the picture?

War, what is it good for? It’s good for business. It’s good for creating chaos and destruction. It’s good for launching new global organizations, in the aftermath; organizations that exert a level of control and reach that didn’t exist before. It’s good for launching organizations like the United Nations and the European Union and the World Trade Organization—dedicated to Globalism, which in turn is dedicated to planned civilization, in which the individual is demeaned and the group is All.

Freedom is demeaned, and dominance by the few over the many is hailed as peace in our time.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

56 comments on “Antony Sutton, Skull&Bones, Hitler, the Bush family

  1. Eliza Ayres says:

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Disclosure regarding the Bush Family…

    • the postman says:

      Skull & Bones is a Malthusian (death) cult. First of all, they played a part in bringing about the U.S. Civil War. Two of their members were even captured with Jefferson Davis after the war (and all three men were dressed in women’s clothing–see my re-edited Civil War cartoon here: Is it any wonder that Skull & Bones members founded the American Historical Association in 1884 ( I mean, what better way to hide history than to act as the official gatekeepers of American history? And speaking of events in history that Skull & Bones members would want hidden, they also created and supported the three-decades long eugenics movement in America which was a vehicle to popularize a Malthusian agenda. Such agenda included ensuring that untold numbers of poor Southerners would continue to die of pellagra for two more decades after it had been shown by Dr. Goldberger of the U.S. Public Health Service in 1914 that the disease could easily be cured simply by supplementing one’s diet with… meat and dairy products! For a more detailed example showing Skull & Bones in action, read “Two Coastal Marine Disasters and the Fingerprint of Malthus” ( Skull & Bones is a major player in a huge conspiracy that began at least two centuries ago and a goal of this conspiracy is to greatly reduce human populations.

  2. Greg C. says:

    Every time I see a bumper sticker saying “Freedom is not free” I want to scream. What a flaming contradiction.

    • bob klinck says:

      You have surely heard of “cognitive dissonance”. It has been planted everywhere in our cultural environment. If you are not constantly aware of how it is being used against us, your ability to think logically is imperilled.

      • truth1 says:

        Superb analysis, my friend!

      • Greg C. says:

        Screaming back helps to clear the dissonance.

      • jb says:

        The term cognitive dissonance was invented in 1957 by Leon Festinger, a social psychologist. It by definition is the mental discomfort derived from maintaining conflicting ideas as valid. It is often referred to by unthinking or witless people who do not understand its meaning, who if they did, would be using the concatenation doublethink which is the assertion of conflicting ideas as valid without the discomfort. Doublethink is a concatenation invented by George Orwell in his 1949 book, 1984.

  3. truth1 says:

    “I felt then (as I do now} that these “prominent” men are really immature juveniles at heart. The horrible reality is that these little boys have been dominant in their influence in world affairs. No wonder we have wars and violence. Skull and Bones is the symbol of terrorist violence, pirates, the SS Deaths Head Division in WW Two, labels on poison bottles and so on.”

    Little boys is right. They were brought up in bad conditions and as a result, emotionally stunted/damaged/frozen in that boy state. REally, we probably all have been prevented from progressing all the way to full maturity and development of the mind. But some more than others.

    Those in power were the ones damaged the most. That makes them the most capable of the very worst. Little boys running the world. Perhaps some might recall the Twilight zone episode where a young Billy Mummy played a boy with “super powers” who could read minds and punish in any way he liked. He was dangerous and out of control. That was not just a TV show. It was really, a bit of reality that is painful to swallow.

    The other things I marvel at are the Hitler apologists. They believed every word Hitler fed them about a nation running its own affair without outside interferences ( a good thing) and keeping a nation free from internal opposing/interfering/subversive influences. But those were only nice words. In reality, Hitler worked for the global NWO. After Germany fell, Hitler and Bormann went to Argentina and lived quite well and without much of any problem. In fact, Argentina has a much higher concentration of Jews than the US and yet Hitler was fine and safe. How bout data, huh! In fact, Nazis ran quite a bit of S. America behind the scenes.

    War is the dumbest thing that anyone can go along with. We have some interesting leaders now. War is coming soon. Do not go along with it if ya know what is good for ya. This one is going to be very unique. Far more than you could ever imagine. Be afraid! Be very afraid!

    • IMNAHA says:

      I can only add that WWII history was written by the winners: European Zionists whose collaboration with the National Socialists is irrefutable. Though the court historians have consistently proffered a twisted explaination for the origin of the word “Nazi” they haven’t successfully explained the Khazarian / Zionist (genealogical) roots of Hitler’s high command, and the coincidental name of Western European Khazars: the AshkeNAZI.” None are so blind as those who will not see” I reserve the word “Jewish” for those of true Semitic origin, NOT the imposters from the 13th tribe who falsely claimed that Israel was their birthright and homeland. .

      • truth1 says:

        “I can only add that WWII history was written by the winners” Right on IMNAHA !!! the winners are always at the top of the heap, too.
        The word Ashkenazi comes from the bible name of Ashkenaz, Genesis 10:3
        “And the sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz and Riphath and Togarmah.”
        Ashkenaz was considered the forefather of various Germanic/Teutonic tribes. The sons of Gomer were the ones who gave birth to First major pagan religion that formed the basis of the Gods of the Greeks, who had in esteem by other cultures using other names for them. There ia real hisoty of them in the writing of a French Monk, Paul Yves Pezron, originally in French but then translated into English as well.

        Totally free at

        So Ashkenaz got the i added at the end, as that was the sound typically added at the end of names in Celtic language and German as well.

        Today, many Scottish names end with y or i as in McKensie or McKensy or Fogerty. Greeks had the same sound denoted by ae as in archaeology (pronounced arkeeology. Hence the Keltae, Celtae, Celti or even Celty.
        Italian, not to be confused with Latin, is said to be very closely related to ancient Celtic languages, in part due to the common appearance of i or ii at the end of many Italian words and names. the Sabines were one of those ancient Celtic tribes that joined Rome.

        • IMNAHA says:

          Thanks for your details of the origins of the word Ashkenazi (or Ashkenazim). Truth is almost always hidden in the details which most don’t take the time to analyze. One of my favorite quotes from Admiral Hyman Rickover, developer of the 1st nuclear submarine : “The devil is in the details” “Settled history” can seldom stand up to detailed analysi;,that’s why DNA and genealogy are such important fields of research as they reveal hard truths that nothing else can. While history can claim the Ashkenazi were the forefather’s of Western European Jewry, the DNA evidence says over 90 percent of those Western Europeans / North Americans claiming to be one of the 12 tribes of Israel, in fact, they originated in the warrior kingdom of Khazaria ( which flourished until the 10 century AD) which adopted Talmudism but were less than 1% – 2% t reof actual Semitic origin. The most recent DNA research out of Johns Hopkins confirms these claims, though disputed by Zionist scholars who fervently dream / wish that DNA doesn’t exist, unless it supports their bogus claims.. .

          • truth1 says:

            I would say they used their label as Jews for political manipulation. Really, they were, first and foremost, Marxists who brought on much of their own suffering by being meddlers in other nations affairs instead of behaving and living cooperatively with the natives. instead, they try to take over like all good Marxists do. DNA is fascinating stuff.

    • From Quebec says:

      Nice song from Donovan.

      But, when an enemy comes and attacks you, and you cannot make a deal with him, are you suppose to just take it and let him kill you?

      That is the big question?

  4. elliottjab says:

    Jon – words cannot adequately describe what a hugely precious info-keeper, finder & disseminator of truth you are. You cannot be thanked enough.

    Though many of us ‘olders’ have known/had very strong inklings of all these ‘roots’ – to now know of the hard, written records is still chilling.

    Be safe… Hugz


  5. From Quebec says:

    “Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them”

    Absolutely! I could have not said it better.

    • truth1 says:

      Well, the trap is in the us or them as well. I don’t see any difference. For me, If I have to die or risk possibly dying, I want it to be for a good cause, not a bad one. And when “them” shows up, it designed to get “us” to fight. If we refuse to fight, they either enslave us or kill us all off. More than likely, enslave us. And since we are already enslaved, we have nothing to lose by by being enslaved by someone else. and if I must die, let it be for standing for peace, rather than war. I will not dignify their trap of being an enemy upon us to get us to fight. It takes 2 to have a war. Besides, the US has never suffered for stupid willing soldiers. They get plenty, every time.

      But know this! A big war is coming. But I won’t be in it. I never ever bothered to vote because I knew that never worked, either. What will be, will be. It does not need me to do it.

      • From Quebec says:

        The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. (Edmund Burke)

  6. Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
    Wow – out it all comes.
    Be angry, very angry and get active.
    Time this lot were tried by an independent court and behind bars for good.

    • TrishWriter says:

      That sounds awesome, but as often wealthy psychopaths, wouldn’t they find a way to avoid punishment, perhaps by buying off some judges or performing some other unethical act?

      • truth1 says:

        They certainly would and do, Trish W. They were the ones who appointed those judges in one way or another. They control EVERYTHING !!!

  7. Mark says:

    They aren’t “little boys” they’re psychopaths.

    “The one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that psychopaths, because of their nature, rise to the top in whatever milieu they find themselves.”

    “When you come to understand that the reins of political and economic power are in the hands of people who have no conscience, who have no capacity for empathy, it opens up a completely new way of looking at what we call ‘evil'”.

    The Trick of the Psychopath’s Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others

    • bob klinck says:

      Psychopaths design systems that put power “at the top” where they can capture it. A sane financial system would distribute power to the populace so it would at all times be able to discipline aspiring powermongers. The current monopolistic money-creation system accords perfectly with their ambitions.

      • truth1 says:

        Bob, Like some of your idea.I’d say it this way. one can not stop people from organizing and unifying. It just is not possible. the stronger party will always abuse their power with the smaller weaker party. But if they abuse too much, a society collapses. Smart abusers would limit themselves, if for no other reason, than that they would profit from doing that. But temptation to take more is impossible for them to resist. Why? Cause they are psychopaths. They run on appetite and greed and obsessive compulsion. They are more like animals than rational human beings. Of course, I happen to believe in spirits who are psychopaths, too. but that is another story for another place. But should one of those spirits with their far greater ability and power decide to get involved in our affairs, well, it would not be a pretty picture. And we do not live in a pretty picture. We live in a world-wide nuthouse.

  8. From Quebec says:

    Franklin D. Roosevelt tells all, before he dies. Incredible!

  9. truth1 says:

    Mark, it would be my opinion that little boys can be psychopaths. Any one of any age, sex, religion or anything else can be psychopath. And yes, they have conscience. As I said here after you posted, It takes 2 to have a war. It will not be me.

    • jf1325 says:

      truth1,I assume you’re a female by your sexist ,male bashing comment inferring that only males ,” little boys” can be psychopaths.
      Secondly. Hitler was not at war when he made trade agreements with the U.S.,Britain and France.These very countries later declared war upon him when he broke ranks with the Rothschild banking system,( of which they were very much a part ). Despite his many generous offers of peace, they obviously felt threatened when it became clear that his economic policies were becoming a stunning success.As a result,they decided that no expense was to be spared in stopping him.
      It is my opinion that globalist,(Communist), ambitions would have been stopped or at least greatly curtailed if he had won. If that makes me a”Hitler apologist”,I stand so accused.

      • arcadia11 says:

        “Any one of any age, sex, religion or anything else can be psychopath”

        perhaps you misread, jf.

        “a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession”

        there is no such thing as a ‘good’ dictator. good would not have come, changes here and there but not good.

  10. The Outlaw says:

    Reminds me from the line in The Manchurian Candidate spoken by Angela Lansbury playing the wife of Senator Iselin——-“Jonny”. In the limousine she says referring to her husband and son (his step-son)-“My little boys. My two little boys”. Both psychotics–the son driven to psychosis by mind control (MK-Ultra) and the senator, a clownish attempt to demean Senators McCarthy’s work (which has since been proven mostly correct today). Did he have issues? A drunk? We’ll never know. Weaponized “education” and weaponized “history” has dealt with that and we know who writes history–the winner. The term “Mccarthyism” is used to this day to legitimize an opponent. A red herring such as “anti-semite” is bandied about like a cheap suit and now evokes a smirk rather than the shame once expected. Overplayed hands? Obviously.

    Not shocking is the involvement of Henry Kissinger. This psychotic “to open relations with China”——–aka destroying the American worker and paying off The Corporatists with cheap labor and ushering in “Globalism”—is also a Bolshevik. Likely a Soviet agent. Under his tutelage Clinton and GHWB signed Agenda 21 which has morphed in Agenda 2030—-Common Core and Communitarianism—aka Global Communism or best known as neo-feudalism. Globalism in another word commonly used today.

    Once again, Inbreds. Psychotics——Congress is now “Our 535 Little Boys”.

    • truth1 says:

      Outlaw, ya saved me. I could not think of a word today and you came up with it. My brain? Not so good anymore. feudalism! Land grants from the king were made in Canada to the King’s special people. I’ve done legal research on it. Receiving a land grant was a very special favor. But king wanted the land to become productive. So a person receiving a grant sort of became a feudal Lord. He could sell the land to others in his party who he brought him. Many were really to be labors, a sort of slave, really, either thru a tough mortgage or share cropping. But really a feudal land grant was a master ruling over the little people. Much the same with collectivism of communism. “The people” is really the reps of the communist party. The real people were just slaves. All collectivism is slavery. All Marxism is slavery.

      Some will a free market system is better. There has never been, in the history of the world, a free market. people of similar interests will get together and stand together. Merchants create exclusive agreements for markets and distribution. Unions form. People quickly line up join join one side or the other, or get left out of both sides. No one likes a free independent man.

      the truth is, that Lords often told kings what to do. Lords were the Industrialists of their day but with far less production. Bankers funded everything. Industries only grew because huge amounts of capital were injected into mining, smelting, machine tooling, coal mining, Iron forging, shipping, then railroads. Captains of industry were only so by the graces of the huge collective of banding Capitalists. In this way, the bankers controlled everything.

      Hence, nobody should be surprised that the world is all controlled by one single united force of collective financiers. Hitler was not a savior as some still think today. Neither is he any worse than anyone else. In fact, the commies still managed to far out do Germany in killing in unique creative ways. and the killing goes on as everyone in power belongs to the communist banking financiers, the real rulers of the world, They are the ones I sometimes call the NWO or Elite. but they love killing. They hate people. They real and true psychopaths and sociopaths. Make no mistake about that. Jon, ya nailed another super article. I saves this one to disk. I’ll have to save it again with the good comments.

  11. Sha'Tara says:

    Reblogged this on ~Burning Woman~ and commented:
    Another great Rappoport article. This is a quote from the article that should explain why it should be read, and pondered:
    ““What would have happened if millions of American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey [part of the Rockefeller empire] managers shipped the enemy’s [Germany’s] fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars’ worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan [the Rockefeller family among others?] Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler’s communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that ITT built the FockeWulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the U.S. War Production Board in partnership with Goering’s cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately ignored?”

  12. the postman says:

    If it isn’t already obvious, Skull & Bones is a Malthusian (death) cult! First of all, they played a part in bringing about the U.S. Civil War. Two of their members were even captured with Jefferson Davis after the war (and all three men were dressed in women’s clothing–see my re-edited Civil War cartoon here: Is it any wonder that Skull & Bones members founded the American Historical Association in 1884 ( I mean, what better way to hide history than to act as the official gatekeepers of American history? And speaking of events in history that Skull & Bones members would want hidden, they also created and supported the three-decades long eugenics movement in America which was a vehicle to popularize a Malthusian agenda. Such agenda included ensuring that untold numbers of poor Southerners would continue to die of pellagra for two more decades after it had been shown by Dr. Goldberger of the U.S. Public Health Service in 1914 that the disease could easily be cured simply by supplementing one’s diet with… meat and dairy products! For a more detailed example showing Skull & Bones in action, read “Two Coastal Marine Disasters and the Fingerprint of Malthus” ( Skull & Bones is a major player in a huge conspiracy that began at least two centuries ago and a goal of this conspiracy is to greatly reduce human populations. If you feel like a prisoner although you are “free,” it’s because of this conspiracy. Don’t you see?

  13. Glenn “GIGGITY” Quagmire says:

    Prescott Bush stole Geronimo’s skull for his Demonic fraternity and Bonesman John Kerry “investigated” the matter years later and exonerated him.

  14. johnbarleycorn12 says:

    Ironic when Kerry was running against Bush and the were both members of Skull and Bones.

  15. John says:

    Also see Antony Sutton’s book “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones” (1986). In it, he writes:

    “Most CFR members are not involved in a conspiracy and have no knowledge of any conspiracy… However, there is a group WITHIN the Council on Foreign Relations which belongs to a secret society…and which more or less controls the CFR [whose] meetings are used for their own purposes…

    In 1981, “The Anglo American Establishment” by Carroll Quigley was published in New York. Quigley describes in minute detail the historical operations of the British establishment, controlled by a secret society and operation very much as The Order operates in the U.S.

    The British secret society, known as “The Group”… was founded at Oxford University, much as The Order was founded at Yale. The Group operates in a series of concentric circles and like The Order consists of old line families allied with private merchant bankers, known in the U.S. as investment bankers.”

    • John says:

      Note that Steve Mnuchin, a second-generation Goldman Sachs officer and now Secretary of the Treasury, is also a member of Skull and Bones.

  16. ezra70 says:

    Here is part three of Ronald Bernard

    Revelations of an insider

  17. ezra70 says:

    Very good artikel. Thank you.

    It is not a tv production but it is from Irma Schiffers:

  18. Michael says:

    …were have I read these words before?
    So many times before…Sutton’s work is stupendous; but Carroll Quigley’s opus, “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our time”

    The long, tough *cough* road of McGeorge Bundy…a bonesman, a bonesman.

    “Preferential treatment has been accorded McGeorge Bundy all the way along the line.
    Graduating Yale and joining The Order in 1940, Bundy spent a while at Harvard and then joined the U.S.
    Army “as a private”
    Within 12 months Bundy had rocketed to captain and staff officer working on Operation Husky (the invasion
    of Sicily) and Operation Overlord (the invasion of Normandy).
    If there is one job in this world that requires experience, it must be a staff planning officer for an amphibious
    operation. Only experience can make the calculations of timing and logistics for personnel and supplies come
    out right. And men’s lives depend on this experience. Can a 23-year-old, with no military experience, undertake
    planning for amphibious operations? The answer is obviously no even if his father (The Order) is in the
    Pentagon as an aide to the Secretary of War (The Order).
    The war in Europe finished, Bundy now a veteran of 27 years, went straight to the Pentagon as assistant to
    the Secretary of War, Henry Stimson. We have already noted Bundy worked on the manuscript of On Active
    Service In Peace And War and was rewarded with co-authorship, a definite leg up in his career.
    Then, in quick succession, Bundy became consultant to the Economic Cooperation Administration, although
    he presumably knew no more about economics than amphibious landing, then foreign policy analyst for
    Presidential candidate Thomas Dewey, then analyst for the Council on Foreign Relations. By 1949 Bundy was
    invited to Harvard University and in four years (1953) was made Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    We are asked to believe that out of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of experienced academics with decades of
    hard-won credentials, an assistant professor-
    who has been, skipping around the non-academic world for ten
    years is the most talented for the post of Harvard Dean! We might accept the lack of experience in amphibious
    warfare planning and economic programs planning, but Dean of a prestigious Harvard department in four years!
    No, that’s too much. It smells of “pull” and few readers will dispute that conclusion.
    From 1961 to 1966 Bundy was Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to Presidents Kennedy and
    Johnson. There is a significant aspect of this sensitive post which only surfaced under Henry Kissinger. The
    post can be used to screen information reaching the President: in fact, that is one of its major purposes, to stop
    a flood of paper reaching the Presidential desk.
    The other side to this screening process is that it could place the President in an artificial information
    environment. If the options presented to the President are controlled, so are the decisions. Selected information
    can control the options.
    McGeorge Bundy was National Security Adviser in the early years of the Vietnam debacle. While McGeorge
    Bundy (The Order) was in the White House his brother, William P. Bundy (The Order) was in key positions
    relating to the Far East in Defense and State Departments. By acting jointly, the Bundy brothers could have
    controlled absolutely the flow of information relating to Vietnam from Intelligence, State and DOD. We are not
    saying this happened. We believe it to be a hypothesis worthy of examination. As they are blood brothers in a
    secret organization of which we know very little – and nothing voluntarily – we have reason to make this further
    In 1966 McGeorge Bundy was appointed President of the Ford Foundation, a post he retained until 1979.
    While at Ford, Bundy brought in as Vice President in charge of Education and Research Division another
    member of The Order – Harold Howe 11,
    Howe’s qualifications, apart from a Yale undergraduate degree, can be described in Howe’s own words:
    “. . . in the old scheme of things I would not have qualifications to be a professor – I have no PhD degree, no
    scholarly research publications to my credit. 1 once applied to the Yale Graduate School but was turned down
    as academically unpromising.” (Apparently The Order doesn’t reach everywhere, even at Yale).
    Some of the half-baked ideas Howe and Bundy promoted with Ford Foundation money probably stem from
    Howe’s philosophy. In Howe’s own words, “When in doubt, do it.” For example, we have this gem from Howe:

    “… we will have to re-think American values regarding cooperation and competition . . . many schools
    (particularly secondary schools) would define as “cheating” the kinds of cooperative activities whereby students
    help each other instead of competing for places on the ladder of academic success.”
    This is pure Hegelian collectivism. It undoubtedly works to the advantage of The Order: this moves the
    citizen to a dependency role and away from reliance on individual faculties.
    It is noteworthy that both Fords on the board resigned in disgust with Ford Foundation policies.”

    • Michael says:

      postscript: The quoted body of this comment was by Anthony C. Sutton. I take no credit for that…

  19. Theodore says:

    Antony Sutton – The Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]

  20. jmilamdeal says:

    Reblogged this on jmilamdeal and commented:
    You probably already knew that there have been behind the scenes decisions made about many things that most folks are not aware of. Read this one and find out that some American groups helped and supplied Hitler with things he needed! Can you say Skull & Bones?

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