Obamacare and the medical destruction of human life

Obamacare and the medical destruction of human life

by Jon Rappoport

October 5, 2013


In yesterday’s article about Obamacare, I pointed out a simple fact:

If you have a system that is already killing a huge number of people, and you make that system bigger and bring millions more people under the same umbrella, the death toll will accelerate.

The key journal paper on medical destruction is: Dr. Barbara Starfield, Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”

I laid out the statistics yesterday. Every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people. 106,000 die as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs. The other 119,000 die as a result of mistreatment in hospitals.

I use the Starfield report because it is right down the middle of mainstream medicine. Before her death, Starfield was a widely respected public health expert. For many years, she worked at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. The Journal of the American Medical Association is as mainstream and prestigious as you can get.

I’m fully aware that independent researchers have pegged the death toll from the US medical system at a much higher number. But I wanted to show that, even in “The Club,” the statistics are known to be horrendous.

Think about it. The US medical system kills 225,000 Americans per year. That adds up to well over 2 MILLION deaths per decade.

Not long before her death, I interviewed Dr. Starfield. I asked her whether anyone from the federal government had ever asked her to consult, to help fix the medical system. Her answer was a stark No.

I asked her whether she was aware of any significant government program directed at fixing the system. Again, she answered No.

Try this imaginary fictional analogy. You work for the government in auto safety. You know two things. Every tenth car in America contains a fatal flaw that will cause a crash at speeds in excess of 40mph. And, as a result of new legislation, millions more Americans will be on the road driving cars. What would you do?

US politics lives and thrives on PR, and PR makes its money from empty generalizations and promises. In the medical arena, it’s all about “better care for all,” “humane concern for everyone,” “breakthroughs coming soon,” “money for more research,” etc.

This has nothing to do with the actual effects of the system. It has nothing to do with reality.

Exit From the Matrix

Well, here is the reality. By the most conservative estimate, the US medical system kills 2,250,000 people per decade.

That’s the system that’s heading for massive expansion under Obamacare.

You have a choice. You can go with the empty PR, or you can face the facts and realize what’s going to happen.

Well,” some people have told me, “the politicians in charge don’t really understand what the medical system is doing to people. It’s just ignorance. Their hearts are in the right place.”

And that matters? That argument is meant to exonerate the flavor of the week inside the Beltway. It has nothing to do with ongoing death stemming from standard medical practice.

The death statistics I’m citing in this article aren’t a state secret.

Doctors chopping off women’s breasts for no reason. Medical drugs putting people into the grave. Vaccines causing neurological damage. Psychiatric drugs blasting brains and pushing people over into violence, including suicide and murder…no problem. The politicians’ hearts are in the right place.

Walk through a cemetery and try that defense.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

23 comments on “Obamacare and the medical destruction of human life

  1. robertadammay says:

    It’s a naked power grab, no more, no less. Politicians and corporations always want more; they are insatiable. It is the rare individual who relinquishes power once an objective is met. Thank you for all you do to expose the matrix.

  2. Ian T. MacLeod says:

    It makes one wonder – how many charges of not just murder and attempted murder, but knowing, preplanned, deliberate mass murder-for-profit could We the American People charge this government (and I know that ALL of it that matters is UNELECTED) for in an international court? Would a case like THAT allow us to get at and stop the “elites” who actually run things, perhaps even pauperize them with reparations? Legally, I mean. Because if something like that can’t work, then all that’s left is for the American people to swarm like ants and keep going until they’re all dead or the ones destroying them and this country are, and I sure don’t see THAT happening. Every time I see another charge of high treason against Obama on the Internet, I get ten emails that are purportedly from Obama supporters asking for donations to defend him against such scurrilous charges and to agitate for a third term. *sigh*

    John, as much as I hate to say it, it truly looks to me like it’s FAR too late to do anything but get the hell off this sinking ship; or it would be if the whole damned planet wasn’t sinking under it…


  3. Dani says:

    What percentage of people in the U.S. do you think are wise to those statistics? I work inside the beltway, actually, and you would think people around here would be catching on. But no…. everyone I know buys into conventional medicine as being a good thing. Perhaps if the acceleration of death by medicine becomes more obvious, more people will start to wake up and question the system of healthcare we have. Yes, Obamacare is more of the same, much more. And now we are all supposed to consume it. Even if we don’t consume it, we pay for it.

    • Ian T. MacLeod says:

      Dani, that’s exactly why it DOESN’T happen at a faster rate – though you may have noticed that the chemtrails have altered somewhat. I’d almost bet that the barium levels or something like are up. We the People are being hit from so MANY sides all at once, even if we were to somehow instantly “fix” the medical system – and that would be one INCREDIBLE reorientation just for doctors! – it wouldn’t affect the mortality rates all that much.

  4. […] gun #1: As I detailed in my two previous articles (click here and here), Dr. Barbara Starfield’s article in the July 26, 2000, Journal of the American […]

  5. Geri Spieler says:

    You fail to offer an alternative and you leave out an important issue. How many people die because they don’t have medical care? What about those people. Medicine is not perfect and people do die from mistakes. But what about the people not counted in the death toll. How about people with cancer that can’t afford medical treatment. How about the kid with asthma who gets inconsistent care at emergency rooms?

    No, our medical services are not perfect. Your argument is not worth making as it is one sided. Just because people do die from poor medical treatment, how many more can be saved.

    • stonehillady says:

      Your reply is a normal response to people who don’t understand if we did just as much of research in the natural world of herbs and plants that God gave us for all that ailes us we would be much healthier. There is a sinister objective of psychopaths that want to make money on getting us sick with chemicals in our foods and stuff like GMO foods then make money trying to mask the symptoms with chemical compounds that have no business in our bodies in the first place.

    • Ian T. MacLeod says:


      He’s not talking about “mistakes” here, he’s talking about the ENTIRE PARADIGM being deliberately WRONG. Our pharmaceutical “medicines” are TOXIC. We don’t do things to support or enhance our immune systems, we take “medicines” that damage or destroy it. The food we eat is also made toxic, or non-nutritious, so we’re eating cardboard. Natural healing substances and plants are often ILLEGAL, and where they’re not, Doctors have been taught to believe them dangerous or useless. It’s ILLEGAL for an oncologist to treat with anything other than surgery, radiation (carcinogenic) and/or chemo (carcinogenic and VERY damaging to tissue). In fact it’s illegal for them to fail to treat with those things, even though less than 1% would them on themselves or their own families.

      Toxic meds, needless surgeries, real cures that are illegal or unobtainable or both, a completely wrong paradigm – THOSE are the problems. The curricula of medical schools are mostly set by the food industry, Big Ag and the like. My wife was dying of COPD and the “nutritionist kept pushing SUGAR – HARD! “Sugar is your FRIEND!” she insisted. Money – PROFITS – are what decides on what the medical system does, NOT health, NOT help. The U.N.’s Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius and Kissinger’s 1974 “depopulation agenda” to get rid of the “useless eaters” are in charge together with profits now and have been for a long time. The evidence is almost literally overwhelming, but the courts of America are Corporate Law – Administrative, and they are ALSO all about profits. It’s going to take a literal revolution, nonviolent or violent, to change what must be changed if America and we are to survive the multi-pronged attack on us.

      The other things that makes it so damned hard to get this across to people is how long the “blood-line elites” have taken to bring us to this point. They made it really difficult for working Americans to get to other countries, did all they could to discourage it, edited magazines and television especially for us and totally different from those in the EU. We’ve had to work longer and harder for less and less, and well, “that’s just how the economy’s working right now”. The changes to medicine and all the societal alterations supporting them have taken GENERATIONS. That’s so slow that, together with altered histories and other propaganda support, Americans just don’t see the changes! They’d better though, and SOON!


  6. […] gun #1: As I detailed in my two previous articles (click here and here), Dr. Barbara Starfield’s article in the July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical […]

  7. […] gun #1: As I detailed in my two previous articles (click here and here), Dr. Barbara Starfield’s article in the July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical […]

  8. NYTimes reports today that the lady shot by cops in DC had been “weaned off” meds for her supposed psychosis, but that meds were found in her apartment. So, what do we have here? An orphaned baby, and lost life, grieving family, and a bottle of pills as the real smoking gun.

  9. Dani says:

    We have beaten the medical odds of this society with natural healing and not going through what they said my husband had to go through for cancer. I believe that they are using us like they did in Hitler times as guinea pigs for their own testing pleasure. People should know that we can heal natually with the right mind and research of our own!

    • Ian T. MacLeod says:

      It isn’t testing, Dani – it’s depopulation, period. How often do you hear of an “elite” with cancer? you don’t – they don’t get it, and if somehow they do it’s cured immediately. For that matter, did you ever hear of one with AIDS? Other autoimmune diseases. or infectious diseases? No. Chemicals are NOT the answer, yet they are the foundation of America’s medical paradigm – because they’re profitable!

      We have to awaken, and we MUST awaken others. There’s no alternative except to become victims, and I do NOT care for being some nutcase’s victim! The “elites” are INSANE! They are sociopaths by conditioning, and many seem to be sadists at LEAST by policy if not by nature. Personally I don’t want them on my planet at all because they corrupt everything they touch!


  10. […] gun #1: As I detailed in my two previous articles (click here and here), Dr. Barbara Starfield’s article in the July 26, 2000, Journal of the American […]

  11. […] gun #1: As I detailed in my two previous articles (click here and here), Dr. Barbara Starfield’s article in the July 26, 2000, Journal of the American […]

  12. […] gun #1: As I detailed in my two previous articles (click here and here), Dr. Barbara Starfield’s article in the July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical […]

  13. […] gun #1: As I detailed in my two previous articles (click here and here), Dr. Barbara Starfield’s article in the July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical […]

  14. jeremy says:

    hey jon
    love your stuff.. read all of your articles…however regarding the medical system i have a question .if 2 million die a decade how many lives are saved over that same 10 year period?
    for me its not the people who are trying to save lives but the insurance companies and other entities that are out of control…

  15. […] gun #1: As I detailed in my two previous articles (click here and here), Dr. Barbara Starfield’s article in the July 26, 2000, Journal of the American […]

  16. david`wilson says:

    The AMA is a eugenics foundation.Message —– From: Jon Rappoport’s Blog Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 7:11 AM Subject: [New post] Obamacare and the medical destruction of human life

    Jon Rappoport posted: “Obamacare and the medical destruction of human life by Jon Rappoport October 5, 2013 http://www.nomorefakenews.com In yesterday’s article about Obamacare, I pointed out a simple fact: If you have a system that is alr”

  17. […] gun #1: As I detailed in my two previous articles (click here and here), Dr. Barbara Starfield’s article in the July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical […]

  18. […] Obamacare and the medical destruction of human life (jonrappoport.wordpress.com) […]

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