APRIL 27, 2010.  First of all, I want you to know I’m doing a FREE conference call on May 4, at 6:30PM Pacific Time—and everyone interested in home-schooling is invited.  There is no sign-up required.

The subject of the conference call is my new home-school course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS.  I’ll lay out the details and take your questions.  PLEASE get the word out to anyone you know who is a home schooler or is connected to a home-school association.

To get into the call, you use this phone number: 1-219-509-8111.  Then you enter the passcode: 5730661.  That’s all you have to do.

Help me get the word out.

There is a limit of 150 people for the call.  First come, first served.

Okay.  So now I want to discuss a few issues in which logic has taken an extreme back seat.  This is crazy stuff.  The American people are dealing with it right now.  Immigration reform, the new Arizona law, the equating of Tea Parties and militias and violent bomb throwers.  The recent statements of Bill Clinton.  It’s quite a mish mash. 

What I offer isn’t a strict logical analysis, but rather an editorial that expresses my frustration with the lack of logic in these swirling issues.  However, I will point out a few instances of wild non-logic—here we go.   

Bill Clinton is one of those men who thinks he knows a great deal more than he does—and then, on top of that, to show you he isn’t too, too proud about owning deep, deep wisdom, he affects the air of a studious professor who’s just relaying truth in small chunks, because, well, it’s his solemn duty to fill in the blanks for you, especially now since he’s discovered that the Tea Party is very much like a slow-motion version of the Oklahoma bombing—and who wouldn’t want to know that…after all, if we’re possibly going down in a welter of bombs thrown by these Tea Partiers, we at least need time to try to call the FBI and alert them, we need time to get out the vote for the Democrats next November, we need time to insist police protect us in our homes against the mindless assaults of these Tea People, and it will have to be the police, because we don’t own guns, we know the Second Amendment has nothing to do with personal defense, so thanks, Bill, for the warning. Thanks for the wisdom.  Where would we be, Bill, without your towering knowledge?

Bill is the guy, you might remember, who parlayed the OKC bombing of 1995 into a victory in the 1996 election.  He exhorted all Americans, after the Murrah Building disaster, to “come home to the government.”  He was Big Daddy, and a sufficient number of Americans slurped up his syrup to swing the presidential race. 

Bill’s “come home” jive played well because, at the time, there was an invoked fear that six or seven militias were going to make war against the US military and win.

Switching gears…Yesterday, on C-Span, I watched several authors at a book fair explain to their audience that immigration reform—disallowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter or stay in the country—is a horrendous program of veiled racism and nothing more.  It couldn’t be anything more, because (by indisputable logic) the KKK was once strong, and eugenics in America was once alive and well, and, by implication, now, ANY attempt to bar ANYONE from ANYWHERE from coming to the US and living here and enjoying full government benefits is white redneck racism—and also a form of terrorism—and all these Tea People should be jailed or stripped of citizenship.  Something like that. 

Obama warns Arizona that they can’t just decide what’s good for their state.  No, this is a federal problem, and the feds will solve it.  How?  No word yet.  Possibly by declaring a universal amnesty forever.  Yes, that would do it.

So…the Democrats have begun their 2010 election campaign in earnest. 

One small point: Actual conservatives make an argument for limited government, in line with the Constitution.  Let me know when any Democrat appears who is willing to engage in a true debate about that issue, who is willing to defend, overtly, big, big government as legitimate and legal and just and Constututional.  I’ve never seen it. 

The Tea People state they want limited government.  As usual, the best way to rebuke that position is by attacking the people who are standing on it.  Who cares about logic or truth or reason?

No, let’s just listen to Bill Clinton tie all this up in a nice bow.  Forget fundamentals.  Forget philosophy of government.  Tea Party=racism=bombs=militias=Murrah Building.  Easy.  Nothing to see here, just move along.

And as far as the thinking on immigration goes, it emerges this way: It’s illegal to make illegal immigration illegal, even thought it’s already illegal.  Only bomb-throwing racist Tea Party people posing as concerned citizens would want to declare illegal immigration illegal.  The 70% of Arizona citizens who favor their new law are all relatives of Tim McVeigh.

And if this isn’t comprehensive enough, here’s a further analysis that might excite you: The United States isn’t a real country, because everything we now have came from conquest and destruction, and therefore the Constitution is a worthless piece of scribbling—whereas, I guess, there are nations somewhere that grew from nothing without any conflict or war and nobody was killed, and peace and love naturally evolved into a benign government.  If not, no true nations exist anywhere, and therefore we may as well take and grab and rob and steal and plunder whatever we can get our hands on, because it doesn’t matter.  May as well have a billion people living in the US or Canada or England or France.  Whoever can get here can live here.  Let’s all go down with the ship.  We don’t deserve better.

I’m just trying to find the logic behind some of these arguments about law, immigration, Tea Party, racism, and the like.  I’m trying.          

