MARCH 27, 2010. Now that the Obama Plan has passed, we can all rest in peace, because the new religion called government has finally sealed Teddy Kennedy’s dream and made it Scripture. Amen.

Still not sure what happens when millions of people decide to pay the fine for not having insurance, until a catastrophic illness overtakes them, at which point they sign on to the Plan. Seems like it would bankrupt every insurance company in the US, since these companies exist on the basis of collecting premiums from healthy people. But, well, that’s a small issue, isn’t it? I’m sure the gods of the Left have it all figured out. They’re in Heaven, and we’re down here on Earth.

I have a painting of Pelosi’s face on velvet, on an altar in my living room, with candles and day-glo backdrops, and bottle caps and tinfoil strewn around. Plastic flowers, incense sticks, gaggles of sage. I have demon skulls and skeletons on the periphery. I’ve got Bach organ music going 24/7. It’s a party.

I’m praying that unlimited medical care will soon be extended to any human on the face of the Earth who can row, swim, fly, crawl, drive to a US hospital or doctor’s office.

I’m also fervently wishing that, in order to experience the revelations of medical treatment, Americans will continue to eat the very worst of the fast food for sale at emporiums of Delicacy across the land.

Eventually, the nation will become one vast Hospital, and we can then rejoice that the new religion has assumed correct proportions.

No one will escape a diagnosis. No one will evade treatment with drugs or surgery.

And the government will pay. The taxpayer will be on the hook for at least 60% of every paycheck.

This is a dream worth having, is it not?

Mandatory diagnosis, compulsory treatment. Fifty vaccines given at birth. Hundreds of pharmaceuticals doled out to every person during the course of a lifetime. Exclusion of nutritional supplements. Destruction of alternative practitioners. It’s catechism, baby.

All through the run-up to the passage of the health bill, nary a word from supplement companies or their trade groups or the larger citizen health-freedom organizations. Nary a peep.

They knew Pelosi and Reid and the prophet Obama were on the side of the angels. They knew. O joy.

Have the people who want health freedom in this country become too old to fight? Are they too tired? Are they finally caving in to Prozac and Zoloft and Paxil and tranquilizers?

I don’t know. I haven’t seen many of them around.

Actually, since the early 1990s, when I began writing damning articles about the medical establishment, I’ve seen alternative-health advocates figuring out how to back away from the struggle. Many of these people have a religion of their own, which involves the idea that by passively loving their enemies in Congress and the White House, they can tease a wonderful compromise out of the Universe, and all will be well.

It hasn’t happened.

On March 24, I did an episode of my radio show on: medically caused death in America. It was, if I do say so myself, and I do, a brilliant expose of facts and a stunning indictment of the FDA—you know, those guys who keep coming after nutritional supplements.

I suggest you pick up the show and let your friends know. If you still care. Click here.