Governor Newsom’s secret conversation in his underground restaurant, where he entertained fantasies of becoming the next JFK—but now he’s on the recall ballot and his boyish grin is collapsing

The fakers are eating their own. Chomp-chomp. by Jon Rappoport April 29, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) Governor, it’s official. Recall. They’ve got enough signatures to put you on the ballot. Those morons! What do they think they’re doing? Trying to rip you out of office and set you loose on the […]

Vaccine hustlers can’t keep their story straight; evangelicals, black people, Trumpers; who’s “hesitating?”

by Jon Rappoport April 28, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) First, let’s get this straight. The term “hesitancy” would apply to your pasty-faced nephew, who plays video games 19 hours a day, who’s dragged to the beach one summer afternoon, and is reluctant to stick his toe in the water as he […]

Vaccine: twenty countries suspend injections; does that make you “hesitant?”

by Jon Rappoport March 22, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) The Guardian: “Several European countries have halted using the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine…” The Guardian has a brand new definition of “several.” Their own article lists the following nations: Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, […]

Dr. Fauci: a conversation in Hell

by Jon Rappoport March 17, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) Anthony Fauci steps off a small boat floating in a river at the bottom of a great cavern. A lamp cuts into the darkness and illuminates a small table and two chairs. Fauci walks to the table and sits down. He is […]

The NY Times recalls an outbreak of PCR lies

by Jon Rappoport February 19, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) This article is part of a current series of pieces [1] I’m posting—with the purpose of exposing the PCR fraud. The war against humanity relies on this test. If the test falls, the whole official COVID narrative dissolves in front of our […]

“They didn’t isolate the virus,”

Chief Chinese epidemiologist tells NBC News—referring to samples taken from the Wuhan market a year ago by Jon Rappoport February 16, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) The Chinese scientist’s name is Dr. Wu Zunyou. He is the chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. NBC News reporter, Janis […]

Vatican Vaccine Hotline, How Can I Help You?

by Jon Rappoport February 8, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) Hello, this is the confidential Vatican Vaccine Hotline for Opus Dei members, I’m Bishop Capone. How can I help you? Yes, this is XXXXXX. I want to verify that the Pope is advising his flock to take the COVID vaccine. He is. […]