How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)

by Jon Rappoport

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Continuing my “greatest COVID hits” articles. To read my introduction to this ongoing series, go here.  To support my work and get value for value, order My Matrix Collections here and subscribe to my substack here.

February 26, 2020

“When gigantic mega-corporations steal land from Third World people and then poison these people with horrific pollution, why isn’t it called murder? Is that too stark? Does it offend delicate sensibilities? Would you say that a drug gang who shoots up a bar and kills ten innocent bystanders is just carrying out ‘typical business practices in their field of endeavor’, and should therefore never be prosecuted in a court of law on a charge of homicide?” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

—This article assembles facts contained in my ongoing series on the “China epidemic.” To get the details, I recommend going back and reading all those articles (archive here).

If a group wants to stage a fake and frightening epidemic, how would they do it?

First of all, what reasons would they have to launch such an audacious plan?

On one level, they want to cover up human harm that is already occurring. They want to explain this harm with a false story. For example, suppose a combination of deadly corporate air and water and 5G* electronic pollution is making people sick and killing them. The parties responsible are surely not going to admit their crimes. No. Instead, they’re going to claim a new virus is causing this harm in the form of, say, lung disease. The virus just “emerged.” “It showed up out of nowhere. It crossed species from animals to humans.”

So…the first thing needed is a cluster of cases in one locale. A small group of people who have the same symptoms. This is easy to find. How about ordinary flu symptoms? Fever, fatigue, weakness, with an emphasis on lung complications [from the forms of pollution]. A few of these people are very ill. Two of them die. Now, the publicity/news machine swings into gear.

It’s called an “outbreak.” It isn’t, but that’s the story. “They were all ‘exposed to something’” at, say, a riverfront dock restaurant.

The news—shoveled directly into mainstream outlets—comes from elite public health agencies like the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO).


To use a technical term, this is all BULLSHIT. Understand? People in the locale of the “new case cluster” are falling ill and dying as a result of the actual pollution-causes I listed above. But the news takes a different slant: “Researchers from WHO and CDC state that a ‘mystery illness’ has emerged in City X, and they are working to discover the virus…”

Who said it was a virus? Who made that unwarranted assumption? WHO and CDC. They always say it’s a virus.

At this point, suddenly, it’s news all over the planet, and most of the population is roped in, right from the get-go. Virus. Yes. I see. Which virus?

And shortly and miraculously, the answer comes: it’s VX-20. A new virus, never seen before, “which probably emerged from fish and crossed over into humans. One fisherman has already died.”

Voila. We have a new disease. VX-20.

Next question: did researchers actually find this virus? Did they?

Follow the next piece closely. There is sleight-of-hand involved.

One scenario: Researchers used what are called “indirect markers” to INFER that a new virus was there, in samples of tissue taken from several people in the original “cluster” of riverfront victims.

The researchers didn’t actually use basic procedures to purify the tissue sample from even one patient, and they didn’t see MANY identical viruses in an electron microscope photograph of the purified sample—if they took such a photograph at all. They certainly didn’t perform this complete test on several hundred emerging patients—they should have, but they didn’t. And most certainly, other researchers, including INDEPENDENT analysts, didn’t perform the necessary electron microscope test on hundreds of so-called “epidemic patients.”

So…the CDC and WHO researchers came up with a notion, an idea, an inference about a virus, through these indirect markers. And via a process of continuing inferences, they characterized the virus they never saw.

Scenario two: Let’s be generous and assume the researchers did bother to look at electron microscope photos, derived from only a few patients, not hundreds of patients, as they should have. What did they actually see in the photos? Maybe they saw a few particles that looked similar to each other, BUT quite possibly these virus-like particles were just passengers that ordinarily live in the body and cause no harm. However, the researchers jump up and down and say, THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE NEW KILLING VIRUS. AND WE WILL NOW ASSEMBLE ITS GENETIC SEQUENCE.


So what? These researchers don’t bother to make the distinction between viruses that might do harm and those that do nothing. Why? Because they’re determined to find something. Anything. That’s their basic mission.

In both scenarios, they’ve fallen woefully short of proving that a new virus is responsible for making people ill.

But never mind—news outlets and governments are already on the march. THIS IS IT. A new epidemic. VX-20. A whole city is already locked down. Screeners are waving wands at passengers getting off planes. Some US talking head is saying there is now a rush to develop a vaccine. New cases of VX-20 are showing up in other cities and other countries. Boom.

Let’s examine that last part, about new cases and “spreading”— because this is where people REALLY fall for the con. They say: “Well, here is a city where there is no air or water or 5G pollution, and they’re discovering new cases, so how do you explain that?”

The new cases and the spread are based entirely on DIAGNOSTIC TESTS. Those test-results determine whether there is an “epidemic case” or a “spread.”

There are two main tests: antibody and PCR. In a nutshell, neither test is adequate to say HERE IS A NEW CASE. Both tests are unreliable and worthless. It’s more of the con. Both tests will claim to show “new cases” when they DON’T. They might show some antibodies or a few tiny fragments of what might possibly be a virus, but they show NOTHING that directly points to human illness. Relying on those tests would be on the order of laying down a bet on a game that isn’t even scheduled. It’s a farce.

Antibody tests, which purport to prove illness coming from a virus, are actually showing, at best, that the patient came in contact with a virus. Actually, before 1984, this was generally taken to mean the patient was in good shape. His immune system had defeated the germ. But then, for several no good reasons, the science was turned on its head. All of a sudden, a positive antibody test was taken to mean the patient was ill or would soon become ill. Nonsense. Farce.

The PCR test takes a tiny, tiny sample from a patient that might contain a virus, but the virus particle is far too small to comprehend. The PCR blows up that particle many times, so it can be analyzed. BUT the test says nothing about HOW MUCH virus, if any, is replicating in the patient’s body. And you need millions and millions of a virus replicating in the body to even begin talking about a cause of actual illness.

AND both tests rely on the unwarranted assumption that a virus actually causing illness—VX-20—was truly discovered in the first place.

Armed with these pathetic tests, public officials begin reporting a new epidemic case here and a new one there, and pretty soon 40 countries have new cases, and the public falls for it, hook, line, and sinker.

And THAT’S HOW you stage a fake epidemic. The rest is pure publicity and lockdown and theater.

Dangerous theater.

Toxic drugs and toxic vaccines will be brought on board to treat the epidemic that was never there.

The ACTUAL ONGOING causes of illness and dying will remain in place, shoved into the deep background. And THIS amounts to a capital crime. As in: murder. Remember that.

People will be told not to question the official line on the “epidemic.” This is called a clue. Why not ask questions? Because the answers might lead to a correct conclusion about the enormous con job.

Let me add a few comments.

The World Health Organization itself states that every year, there are millions of cases of ordinary flu around the world, and several hundred thousand deaths. This isn’t “coronavirus.” But the flu sufferers can easily be called “new epidemic cases.” Ordinary flu can be statistically “imported” and called “coronavirus.”

Then there is the medical treatment imposed on people who are told they are “coronavirus cases.” I’m talking about highly toxic antiviral drugs, which have the ability to stop natural reproduction of cells in the body. Particularly when such people already have weakened immune systems, or organ-function problems, the results can be catastrophic. The patients can die. Of course, if they do, they will be called “deaths from the epidemic.”

Finally, there is something else you may have heard of. I mentioned it a few paragraphs ago: murder. Do you really think the people who are consciously launching a fake epidemic, with all its consequences—including covering up and never remedying ongoing real causes of dying and death—would stop short of staging a few spectacular incidents of dying and death, in order to make a splash and convince the public that the virus is really a killer? Are you KIDDING? For example, suddenly, out of the blue, a few friends, previously healthy, in a small town, fall ill, and a few days later, they’re dead. Health officials state they were “positive for the virus.” “It came on quickly.” Are tests run to detect an intentional covert act of direct poisoning? Of course not. Media blare this horrible story all over the world: “THE VIRUS IS ON THE MOVE.” Same thing happens to a previously healthy family in Country X. They fall ill and die. And then a group of travelers on a mountain in Country Y become ill and die. Murder. However, the cover story is: “THE VIRUS KNOWS NO BOUNDS. IT CAN COME ON ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME.” THESE EVENTS OF DEATH “CAN ONLY BE EXPLAINED BY THE VIRUS.” That’s right, when the audience is brainwashed and completely naïve.

“But…but how could anyone actually commit premediated murder of innocent people, in order to convince the public that a virus is spreading in unlikely places?”

As I mentioned, such controllers are ALREADY guilty of murder, because they’re hiding the actual ongoing causes of death with the cover story of a virus. This sort of cover-up of crime has been happening, around the world, for a long, long time. To cite just two instances, look at parts of Africa and Haiti, where the “HIV story” has been promoted and funded, wall to wall, in order to conceal intentionally created and sustained poverty, stolen farm land, and corporate takeovers involving massive poisonous industrial pollution.

When you go back in history—as I have—you’ll realize that fake epidemics are standard operating procedure. SARS, Swine Flu, West Nile, Zika, etc. I’ve written about every one of these phonies in detail…

(*) Concerning 5G technology and China, I recommend watching Dana Ashlie’s video, “The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ VΙrus you’ve heard all month! Kinda.”

These “Greatest COVID Hits” Series Of Articles are archived under the category Covid Revisited

These articles — at the time of original publication — are archived under the category Covid

(Episode 32 of Rappoport Podcasts — “The Transgender and Transhumanist Agenda; I connect MANY dots in ways they’ve never been (but should be) connected” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

3 comments on “How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)

  1. Roundball Shaman says:

    “How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)… Dangerous theater”.

    With regard to any kind of societal institution today (Government, Business, Finance, Corporations, Education, Medicine, Science, Religion, State Media, Sports and Entertainment, etc.) there is very little that is real anymore. It is all conjured tissue-paper faux-realities created and spun for the benefit of Those who are doing all this conjuring and dark sorcery.

    The CovidCon is just one of the latest versions of fake realities that are promoted and hypnotized into We the People.

    This kind of mass-society-fakery has been going on for a very long time… in some ways, for thousands of years. But these modern-day dark magicians have gotten quite good at it… and They are learning and refining their psychic and spiritual atrocities upon the Public with greater depth and efficiency every year.

    Seers and Sages will tell you that This Reality is not the ‘Real’ One but an illusion. And they are most certainly correct about this. But we live in a seductive and disempowering illusion that we live with every waking moment.

    The fortunate ones among us see this ‘Reality’ for what it is and They find Their own methods of freeing Themselves from it’s clutches. But the great masses of People just stay stuck in the Illusion and invest Themselves into it like you might project yourself into some kind of TV Soap Opera you’re watching intently. But you can convince yourself if you want to that the Soap Opera World is the real one and that you are one of the main characters in it. But no amount of effort or belief on your part will ever make this true. It is only ‘true’ in your mind. And it is the Soap Opera Writers who are always really running this show, not you.

    But that OK with the Dark Conjurers. If you can be convinced that what They’re peddling is real then They’ve got you in their grasp and exactly where They want you. And where They want to keep you. You have become a willing slave to a made-up World of Lies without body and substance.

    Caught in a Web of Lies like a clueless spider without a clue. What a way to go through Life. Really hard to even call that living.

  2. helot says:

    This video has been Removed for violating YouTube’s reach:

    “The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ VΙrus you’ve heard all month! Kinda.”

    …Got a different link to a different platform?

  3. OzzieThinker says:

    Jon, I’ve been away. Last January I almost died and that really put a blight on my day. Or should I say week, because that’s when I woke up. I saw those pearly gates fronted by a bearded guy called “Peter”. He was frantically pointing below. As soon as I came within audible range, I heard him screech, “get back you lazy assed bastard…..and this time GET THE JOB DONE”. With that I woke up in hospital facing an oversized cartoon duck.

    An absolutely brilliant article and fantastic read but, of course, the plot thickens.

    A little more evidence.

    Why did the US military (defense department) rush the vaccines through in 10 months under “Opeations Warp Speed”?

    Why are the vaccines [effectively] owned by the State of Israel and were tested (on the cheap/regulation free) at Wuhan (China) laboritories?

    The FDA and other regulators would not have been a hurdle. They regulated Fauci’s flu vaccine over 2.5 years.

    That flu vaccine contains ALL nasties found in the Covid series. Why didn’t they bother to tell anyone (about mRHNA technology)?

    That’s just to start you off, because I think when you get into it, Ukraine (was that the old Yddish “homeland”, after all?) timing is perfectly positioned within this grand heist.


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