A child chooses a new skin color in the technocratic paradise

by Jon Rappoport

May 7, 2021

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Month 12, 2039: Court Hearing 10456 in the Western Region of United North America (UNA).

Mr. Campbell, while you were sequestered, I spoke with your child, James.

Yes, Your Honor.

James told me he wants to change his skin color because he thinks it’ll be “cool.” I asked him whether he had any other reason for his decision. He said no. He’s eight years old.

That’s right.

We have many precedents. In the Region, there are more than 32,000 children under the age of 10—some as young as four—who have chosen to undergo a change of gender. Puberty blocking drugs, counseling. In every case, it was the child’s decision that was considered paramount. The opinion of the parents was irrelevant.

I understand, sir.

This situation is somewhat different. Now that we have the technology to produce a complete change of skin color in a single treatment, safely, with no adverse effects…

Are you sure there are no lasting problems?

Yes, Mr. Campbell. I’m sure. I want to hear your objections to your child’s choice.

Obviously, my family and the wider community have a rich cultural history. African American, and before that, African history. But James wants to have WHITE skin. Aside from the massive protests that would break out if his request is granted, in America it is more or less taken for granted that whiteness is racist. Those are my objections.

Yes. Mr. Campbell. On the other side of the argument, there are many influential and powerful groups who demand that a child should make his own life-altering decisions. If I rule against James, we can expect outrage from those groups.

So what do we do, Your Honor?

We run the numbers.

I don’t understand.

The government has extensive profiles on every citizen. We utilize algorithms to predict which court decision will provoke the most trouble and blowback. Actually, those calculations have already been made.

And what’s the result?

Either way, I would instigate an unacceptable level of public uproar. The numbers suggest ruling against James’ choice, but only by a very slim margin. A statistically negligible margin. In such cases, we try to look for another course of action. A third way.

Have you found it?

Yes. We can put your whole family into protective custody.

For how long?

Indefinitely. Until we are satisfied that your child is content to keep his birth skin color. If that ever happens.

What is protective custody in this situation?

First, I secretly rule in your favor. No white skin for James. Then we transport your family to an undisclosed location. We assign you a job. You settle down in a remote spot with your family and…live.

How remote?

We’ve selected a military installation on a small island close to Guam. Forty people are stationed there. They are the only people on the island. You’ll be assigned to work compiling reports in the satellite observation group.

What about James?

You’ll home school him. His mother will. James will not be allowed to leave your property.

Will anyone know what happened to us and where we are?

No. Potentially, the situation is too volatile.

Do you realize how absurd all this sounds, Your Honor?

Of course I do. But looking deeper, it’s quite in line with the edict to prevent social upheaval by any and all means necessary. That’s the overriding concern. In our civilization, people are shifted from location to location all the time, in keeping with their assigned jobs, their conditioning, and the overall pattern of Integrated Population Function. As we say, a position for every person, a person for every position. Yours is just an extreme case of the principle.

What about my monthly allotment from the government? And my social credit score?

Your score will remain the same—in the high range—as long as you follow orders. Your Universal Guaranteed Income payment will be doubled, as an incentive, and as compensation for any psychological effects stemming from relocation to an isolated environment.

I’m a black man. Of the 40 people on the island, what’s the racial distribution?

Eighteen are black, fourteen are white, five are Hispanic, and three are Asian.

Will I have an opportunity for promotion at work?

Yes, but the options are limited. You can advance from a 32 pay scale to a 39. That’s in addition to the doubling of income I just mentioned.

I have a suggestion, Your Honor. I’d like to spell out our new life to James, and see how he feels about it. Maybe he’ll change his mind about the skin color change.

I’ve already spoken with James and told him what to expect. He still wants to opt for white skin.

Suppose he becomes depressed and angry, when he finds out he can’t change his color?

James is going to receive three virtual sessions of conditioned-reflex therapy a week, from here on out.

Is it painful?

Only if he rebels.

This case of my son—it’s called “competing interests.” Correct?

Yes, Mr. Campbell. And adjudication is made on the basis of the doctrine of State Good. What enhances the State? Our flow charts prove that increasing government power benefits the individual, in the long run.

I once wanted to study the law. I don’t suppose there is any chance I could—

No, Mr. Campbell. We have too many lawyers. Most court cases are now conducted in this setting. The relevant citizens and the judge are the only participants.

Your Honor, why can’t you rule against my son and be done with it, instead of sending us to a remote location in the Pacific?

We’ve already gone over that. In this Region alone, there are 42 million people who demand that a child’s decisions concerning identity be honored and followed. They would come out into the streets if I made a public decision against James.

Yes, sir. I’m frustrated.

I can understand that, Mr. Campbell. But what you want or I want doesn’t matter. We contribute to the Whole. That’s all that counts. It’s really mathematics. Once we understand what the Greatest Good is, we can calculate the value or harm of any action on that basis.

May I be frank, Your Honor?


Last Halloween, James painted his face white and ran around the neighborhood pretending he was the Joker from the old Batman movies. That’s how all this started. He had fun. That’s all we’re talking about here.

Yes, we have the surveillance video. Nevertheless, your son is now adamant about his choice of skin color. We can’t turn the clock back and say it’s just a Halloween prank.

Your Honor, suppose a year from now James decides he loves that TV character who has a metal hook for a hand? Suppose James wants a hook?

That would be an easy determination. He could have a surgical procedure to remove his hand and replace it with a hook. It’s his choice. A child’s wishes must be honored.

Suppose I myself want a hook?

You’re an adult. That’s an entirely different situation. I would have to consider the case carefully. Why would you want the hook?

Because it looks cool.

I doubt I would rule in your favor.


An adult should know when he is making a frivolous request. A child is more focused and single-minded. For a child, there are no frivolous requests.

And that matters?

Yes. There is much legal precedent to support the sanctity of childhood wish-fulfillment. To cite just one example, any four-year old can obtain vaccination without parental knowledge. The child can offer a doctor or nurse informed consent.

But in this case, you’re ruling in my favor and against my son.

Only because granting your son’s choice of skin color would create massive social upheaval on a wide scale, once it became news.

Your Honor, do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with the thought that we’re all crazy?

No, I sleep well. During the day, when I hear cases, when I look around me, I KNOW we’re all crazy. But you see, that’s a good starting point. THE LAW is what we create to work our way toward sanity.

And you believe we’re succeeding in our effort to become sane?

Of course. Otherwise, I would retire and tend my roses and imbibe drugs to dull my senses.

Have you ever considered outright rebellion?

—The judge smiled and shook his head. He banged his gavel, walked down from the bench, and as he passed Mr. Campbell, he deftly passed him a folded slip of paper.

Later, at home, Campbell unfolded it. A message read: “We’re all trapped in a dream.” A local address was listed.

James was elected as a judge for mock disciplinary hearings at his school.

When he turns eleven, he’ll enroll in online training for surveillance work. He could have a bright future in that sector.

I see.

His…shall we say, disposition for rebellion can be re-channeled to good use. Outliers often become ardent advocates for State policy.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

22 comments on “A child chooses a new skin color in the technocratic paradise

  1. Opie Poik says:

    Mommy, can I PLEEZ have a cookie before dinner?

    No, honey. Not today. Tell you what: if you eat ALL of the dinner WE DECIDE for you to eat, you may have TWO cookies AFTER dinner. OK?

    YAAAY! I will.

    Mommy, can I PLEEZ cut off my pee-pee and wear a dress? For the rest of my life, which I will choose to end bloodily at fifteen?

    Yes, Honey. Go right ahead, if you really want to.

    Thanks, Mom! I love you!

    I love you, too, baby boy.

    • Tim_2A says:


      Those are two different kids, I hope. What’s terrible is, thanks to the pharmo-psych ‘profession,’ the one kid could be both (seemingly) at the same time, I guess.

      Maybe the mRNA will ‘allow us’ to ‘alter’ our bodies at will (‘innie’ to ‘outie’, and vice/versa?), and our feeble little minds, too? Sounds good!

      Yes, I’m joking.

  2. DSKlausler says:

    A sad commentary on this world.

  3. Josie says:

    A brilliant parody, Mr. Rappaport!!! Unfortunately, we have almost reached that level of insanity in our derelict societies. European countries are as insane as here!

  4. LadyMae says:

    The sad part is that this isn’t far from how our lives are evolving. I never thought I would live to see a day such as we are living in now…life doesn’t seem so wonderful anymore. Welcome to hell.

  5. Paul says:

    I guess Hizz Honor & Mr. C both realize they’re in the proverbial soup.

    Soups may contain
    unwarranted matter,
    prepared by too many cooks.

    Hoola hoops,
    Slinkies, &
    Pet Rocks,
    once, all, were the rage.

    Some say Halloween,
    rests on unhallowed ground.

    Death is no celebration.

    Let the dead bury self-same.

    Deft considerations should be rightly moved centerward, toward the solid fulcrum, to aid endeavor.

    “Verrry interesting.”
    ~ Wolf-gang (Arte Johnson)

  6. Sean says:

    The collectivism that we find ourselves in. The way things roll because of it. Because in this way of thinking, it sets the stage and strategies for control of the masses. Justifications for its impositions. This is just plain wrong.

    I have noticed this since my first day in school, preschool, even in the day care center. I just didnt know what the heck for. Why did I ever have to even go to school, I hated it. Now we know.

      • Opie Poik says:

        “Every man is more than just himself; he also represents the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world’s phenomena intersect, only once in this way, and never again. That is why every man’s story is important, eternal, sacred; that is why every man, as long as he lives and fulfills the will of nature, is wondrous, and worthy of consideration. In each individual the spirit has become flesh, in each man the creation suffers, within each one a redeemer is nailed to the cross.”
        ― Hermann Hesse , Demian

        “Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges obey the laws. Others sense their own laws within them.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “I realize today that nothing in the world is more distasteful to a man than to take the path that leads to himself.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “We who bore the mark might well be considered by the rest of the world as strange, even as insane and dangerous. We had awoken, or were awakening, and we were striving for an ever perfect state of wakefulness, whereas the ambition and quest for happiness of the others consisted of linking their opinions, ideals, and duties, their life and happiness, ever more closely with those of the herd. They, too, strove; they, too showed signs of strength and greatness. But as we saw it, whereas we marked men represented Nature’s determination to create something new, individual, and forward-looking, the others lived in the determination to stay the same. For them mankind–which they loved as much as we did–was a fully formed entity that had to be preserved and protected. For us mankind was a distant future toward which we were all journeying, whose aspect no one knew, whose laws weren’t written down anywhere.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “An enlightened man had but one duty – to seek the way to himself, to reach inner certainty, to grope his way forward, no matter where it led.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “Each of us has to find out for himself what is permitted and what is forbidden.. forbidden for him. It’s possible for one never to transgress a single law and still be a bastard. And vice versa.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “The things we see,” Pistorius said softly, “are the same things that are within us. There is no reality except the one contained within us. That is why so many people live such an unreal life. They take the images outside them for reality and never allow the world within to assert itself. You can be happy that way. But once you know the other interpretation you no longer have the choice of following the crowd. Sinclair, the majority’s path is an easy one, ours is difficult.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “(We) consist of everything the world consists of, each of us, and just as our body contains the genealogical table of evolution as far back as the fish and even much further, so we bear everything in our soul that once was alive in the soul of men. Every god and devil that ever existed, be it among the Greeks, Chinese, or Zulus, are within us, exist as latent possibilities, as wishes, as alternatives. If the human race were to vanish from the face of the earth save for one halfway talented child that had received no education, this child would rediscover the entire course of evolution, it would be capable of producing everything once more, gods and demons, paradises, commandments, the Old and New Testament.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “At one time I had given much thought to why men were so very rarely capable of living for an ideal. Now I saw that many, no, all men were capable of dying for one.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “The realization that my problem was one that concerned all men, a problem of living and thinking, suddenly swept over me and I was overwhelmed by fear and respect as I suddenly saw and felt how deeply my own personal life and opinions were immersed in the eternal stream of great ideas. Though it offered some confirmation and gratification, the realization was not really a joyful one. It was hard and had a harsh taste because it implied responsibility and no longer being allowed to be a child; it meant standing on one’s own feet.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “Every natural form is latent within us, originates in the soul whose essence is eternity, whose essence we cannot know but which most often intimates itself to us as the power to love and create.”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian


        “All I really wanted was to try to live the life that was spontaneously welling up within me. Why was that so difficult?”
        ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

        “Each man had only one genuine vocation – to find the way to himself….His task was to discover his own destiny – not an arbitrary one – and to live it out wholly and resolutely within himself. Everything else was only a would-be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity and fear of one’s own inwardness.”
        ― Herman Hesse, “Demian”

      • Mac says:

        opie, hit the spot. actually most comments do, appreciate all. just noting the leader delusion, haven’t read the link, will, just saying otherwise of my own on subject, it is something many don’t understand, if we were each leaders, with the same thing in mind, freedom, with responsiblity to that, the load would be light, after the fight, so to speak, because everyone has a hand on the oar, instead of only a few. just such a basic thing, how did we get so far away from it, to have ‘govmt’, or monopoly corporations.
        – will look at that link. thanks.

        And respect to Jon, the piece is really a mental grind, read whole thing. I don’t always read whole just depends on length because sometimes my attention span short so tend to skim, but piece really a grab today. Appreciated Jon.

        need to change the future.
        we could walk together, as we break apart the mass of pavement and con struction, as we go toward the green place and clear mountains and brilliant blue sky

  7. Opie Poik says:

    “Every man is more than just himself; he also represents the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world’s phenomena intersect, only once in this way, and never again. That is why every man’s story is important, eternal, sacred; that is why every man, as long as he lives and fulfills the will of nature, is wondrous, and worthy of consideration. In each individual the spirit has become flesh, in each man the creation suffers, within each one a redeemer is nailed to the cross.”
    ― Hermann Hesse , Demian

    “Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges obey the laws. Others sense their own laws within them.”
    ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

    “I realize today that nothing in the world is more distasteful to a man than to take the path that leads to himself.”
    ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

    “We who bore the mark might well be considered by the rest of the world as strange, even as insane and dangerous. We had awoken, or were awakening, and we were striving for an ever perfect state of wakefulness, whereas the ambition and quest for happiness of the others consisted of linking their opinions, ideals, and duties, their life and happiness, ever more closely with those of the herd. They, too, strove; they, too showed signs of strength and greatness. But as we saw it, whereas we marked men represented Nature’s determination to create something new, individual, and forward-looking, the others lived in the determination to stay the same. For them mankind–which they loved as much as we did–was a fully formed entity that had to be preserved and protected. For us mankind was a distant future toward which we were all journeying, whose aspect no one knew, whose laws weren’t written down anywhere.”
    ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

    “An enlightened man had but one duty – to seek the way to himself, to reach inner certainty, to grope his way forward, no matter where it led.”
    ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

    “Each of us has to find out for himself what is permitted and what is forbidden.. forbidden for him. It’s possible for one never to transgress a single law and still be a bastard. And vice versa.”
    ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

    “The things we see,” Pistorius said softly, “are the same things that are within us. There is no reality except the one contained within us. That is why so many people live such an unreal life. They take the images outside them for reality and never allow the world within to assert itself. You can be happy that way. But once you know the other interpretation you no longer have the choice of following the crowd. Sinclair, the majority’s path is an easy one, ours is difficult.”
    ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

    “(We) consist of everything the world consists of, each of us, and just as our body contains the genealogical table of evolution as far back as the fish and even much further, so we bear everything in our soul that once was alive in the soul of men. Every god and devil that ever existed, be it among the Greeks, Chinese, or Zulus, are within us, exist as latent possibilities, as wishes, as alternatives. If the human race were to vanish from the face of the earth save for one halfway talented child that had received no education, this child would rediscover the entire course of evolution, it would be capable of producing everything once more, gods and demons, paradises, commandments, the Old and New Testament.”
    ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

    “The realization that my problem was one that concerned all men, a problem of living and thinking, suddenly swept over me and I was overwhelmed by fear and respect as I suddenly saw and felt how deeply my own personal life and opinions were immersed in the eternal stream of great ideas. Though it offered some confirmation and gratification, the realization was not really a joyful one. It was hard and had a harsh taste because it implied responsibility and no longer being allowed to be a child; it meant standing on one’s own feet.”
    ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

    “Every natural form is latent within us, originates in the soul whose essence is eternity, whose essence we cannot know but which most often intimates itself to us as the power to love and create.”
    ― Hermann Hesse, Demian

    “Each man had only one genuine vocation – to find the way to himself….His task was to discover his own destiny – not an arbitrary one – and to live it out wholly and resolutely within himself. Everything else was only a would-be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity and fear of one’s own inwardness.”
    ― Herman Hesse, “Demian”

  8. Eluard says:

    It’s funny, for the first time, I’m confused by a section of Jon’s writing. Below you have the guy unfolding the note from the Judge. Then the text says something about James, the kid, being elected as a judge at his school, online course, etc. Where is that info coming from? The Note? The 3rd person narrator? And wasn’t the family being moved to an island where James would be home-schooled?

    Weird, I usually quickly grasp Jon’s shifts of perspective.


    Later, at home, Campbell unfolded it. A message read: “We’re all trapped in a dream.” A local address was listed.
    James was elected as a judge for mock disciplinary hearings at his school.
    When he turns eleven, he’ll enroll in online training for surveillance work. He could have a bright future in that sector.
    I see.
    His…shall we say, disposition for rebellion can be re-channeled to good use. Outliers often become ardent advocates for State policy.

    • Eluard says:

      I think I got it, so allow me to answer my own questions:

      This is one of Jon’s slippery Total Shifts of reality within a narrative. The whole thing Shifted when the Judge BANGED the gavel and then walked over to Campbell and handed him the note that said, “We’re all trapped in a dream.” On the note, “a local address was listed.” I.E. the local address of The Dream.

      The boy then is slotted into a judge at his school and later a Watcher, surveilling his peers. The matrix adapted and the AI made the “decision” for Campbell and his family. Campbell himself probably had a slight increase in his social credit score and perhaps better choice of monthly rations.

      Got it! (Perhaps)

  9. Haniel Adhar says:

    I’d like to be…


  10. Question says:

    Advice re “transmitting” needed (not exactly the topic today, but urgent)

    Lastly we heard a lot about injected people turning into bioweapon factories and we thought: OK, so we have to stay away from them until further notice.
    Unfortunately we now got a letter from our landlord (probably injected) asking to make an appointment, because the wiring of the entire house has to be checked (apparently a new law in the UK). They will send two electricians (probably injected) and the work will take at least an hour.
    We see this as a very severe threat. What can we do? What would you do? Any advice is appreciated!

    • Eluard says:

      We CAN’T stay away from the injected on a permanent basis. It’s just not possible.

      Have faith. Take care of your health. And DON’T WORRY.

      • Question says:

        Have faith. – No problem.
        Take care of your health. – I do, that’s why I wrote this.
        And DON’T WORRY. – Difficult…
        We CAN’T stay away from the injected on a permanent basis. It’s just not possible.
        – Yes, but e.g. I try not to stay too long near mobile phone masts, why should I after all we know. But in this case we know not much about this new phenomena…

  11. Dr. W! says:

    “Hey Jimmy – I want to change my skin color to a light shade of blue.”
    “We are who we are Jackie. Besides, you are my twin brother and I don’t want to be ‘blue.'”
    “Listen Jimmy, I was in the library while you were outside playing ‘Toss-ball.’ There was a book about ancient India which said the highest order of Indians were very advanced in many ways. They even had paintings, and they had a blue tint or color. I want to be ‘Blue.'”
    “That’s OK – you go right ahead. That way Uncle Timmy and Aunt Sarah will be able to tell us apart, just by looking.”

    Judge Gollum quietly nodded in agreement. He was thinking, ‘My, this so much easier than it was four years back when Jaqueline insisted on becoming “Jackie.”‘

  12. Dr. W! says:

    Dr. W. suggests:
    What is the deal with these persons who cannot be satisfied with who and how they truly are – in reality? Has (un-)Holyweird really done such a fantastic job of screwing with peoples’ perceptions and beliefs? This “Cartoony-World” has become so bizzare. Are there any others out there who have noticed that on the TV so many commercials have cartoon characters. It seems to this commenter that a major proportion of this has actually been planned in order to prepare the very young to live (comfortably??) in a celluloid cartoon world.

  13. Roundball Shaman says:

    “James told me he wants to change his skin color because he thinks it’ll be ‘cool.’”

    If we can already choose what sex we want to be each day… and what ethnicity we want to be each day… and which Outrage Mobs we want to join for the day… and what types of Virtue Signaling we choose to participate in for the day…


    The time has come when we choose what ‘thing’ or animal beast we want to be for the day as well. Feel like being a Goose? Go for it! Put on white clothing and spend the day pecking all you please. Want to self-identify as a Vegetable? Be a Carrot for the day. A Turnip maybe? Too White for you? How ‘bout a nice Red Tomato, then? Lots of people sure seem to want to be Red these days.

    The only things we can’t choose to be are Robots. Why? Because The Powers That Be have already turned us into robots. No use trying to become what you already are!

  14. Brad says:

    Well that covers a wide gambit of today’s dystopia as all the topics in this piece are not just coming in some future tense,they are being implemented as we read here. Five million school aged kids in Ethiopia have been placed on an educational blockchain to determine who is worthy….but just for their school years if you dare to believe the corp instituting this borg operation. If ‘they’ can do it in Ethiopia at this scale they can do this anywhere. Your health passport, should you accept that premise is your initiation to your blockchain avatar.

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